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not exact shots.....

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Wed, Nov 23 2011 6:08 PM (2 replies)
  • defonce
    3 Posts
    Wed, Oct 5 2011 5:23 PM

    hi there...

    i don,t know if i am the only one here, but i think that there is something inexact about some shots hit....

    first of all, i don't know where you here are playing, but here, i had never play golf in a wind of........22mph!!!!!! (should wait for the tornado!!!)

    second, its not normal to hit a shot, against the wind, you don't hit it hard, and then you over hit it by 30 yards!!!!!.......

    well, i really think that there is something wrong here....


  • TarheelsRule
    5,590 Posts
    Wed, Oct 5 2011 9:43 PM

    I have played in a lot of wind in various places.  There is a steady wind and wind gusts and 22 mph is not unusual esp near the coasts, out in Texas or Oklahoma as well.  The key to playing in the wind in WGT and real golf is understanding how to use spin on the ball.  Punch and knockdown shots don't carry as much spin and fly more true to distance.  On WGT a punch shot often is much better than a full shot with backspin.  Also topspin will sometimes take off some of the wind effect.  Just try taking spin off and see what happens.

  • defonce
    3 Posts
    Wed, Nov 23 2011 6:08 PM


    what are you doing with shots in the rough, close to the green mean 16 yrds, giving me a pitch or sand, and if i hit full swing, i get about 5 or 6 yards!!!!

    sorry, but i dont get it...