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Why are guys not conceding vs. shutting down??

Mon, Dec 7 2020 10:37 AM (5 replies)
  • CaptPT57
    9 Posts
    Fri, Dec 4 2020 8:36 AM

    Really getting tired of guys just shutting down WGT when they're going to lose vs just conceding or finishing out..

    I think it's just lousy sportsmanship and screwing the other guy who has to just sit there until the reconnect timers run out.. 

  • Slimjim001
    1,058 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2020 6:11 PM

    I assume you are talking about the Showdown. It is my understanding that some of your opponents are not playing the Showdown but just HtoH coin game. But your right, its very poor sportsmanship.


  • CaptPT57
    9 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 10:37 AM

    Yes, head to head.  I get beaten soundly by really good players daily but ALWAYS end with a "GG" .. it's not we're playing for real 💰 lol.. 

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 10:41 AM


    I assume you are talking about the Showdown. It is my understanding that some of your opponents are not playing the Showdown but just HtoH coin game. But your right, its very poor sportsmanship.


    Its a video game where most players don’t care about others except themselves. Learn to live with that, or you’ll find this game miserable. 


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 11:43 AM
    Find a group of friends and play with them.
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 1:35 PM


    Really getting tired of guys just shutting down WGT when they're going to lose vs just conceding or finishing out..

    I think it's just lousy sportsmanship and screwing the other guy who has to just sit there until the reconnect timers run out.. 

    The vast majority of people that rage quit via shutdown are sub level 80 players. they just don't know how to forfeit.

    if they are above level 80 it's usually someone being a douche.. 

    really no point in getting mad about it. just let the game time out and move on.

    you can speed it up if you suspect this by closing out and logging back in. or logging in on a second device.

    The higher the cost of the coin room the less this will happen. Consider it incentive to move up.