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Change in Iron power?

Wed, Dec 16 2020 10:01 AM (4 replies)
    3 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 9:03 AM

    By default I play irons with full backspin and usually less than full power. If I have 122 to the hole, a 120 club will be 2-5 yds short, depending on how well I hit it. So I take a 135 club and back off the power a little. I found that the lines delineated percentages. So the line in the middle was 50% of the clubs rated distance. Makes sense.

    I found the first line was roughly 10%. So a 180 club , when that first line was used, would result in the ball traveling about 162 yda. (180 - 18). All of this of course has to take into account elevation and wind, but that is what makes it challenging. If I had a 143 yd shot with a 150 yd club, I would need the to hold off 7ds. 10% is 15yds. So 5% is 7 or 8 yds. So I would take the power halfway between full power and the first line. Simple. As I got better at this, my distances were within 1 or 2 yards of the desired distance. ie. 143 yds shot was consistently 141 to 145 yds. And often 143. (left or right was something else entirely). 


    So we get to the point of this thread. In the last week or so, this has gone right out the window. Balls hit this way were coming up drastically short. Like 10 or 15 yds short. I thought maybe I was missing something. But I wasn't. Where in the past my short and medium irons were spot on, now they were coming up short. I had to go back and learn new power levels. I'm getting the hang of it, but the 10% line was very handy, as clubs go up in 15 yds increments and that is roughly 10% of of medium to short irons. 


    Has anyone else noticed this? 


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 1:43 PM

    The ball you use and it's distance and spin rating will change how spin affects the ball. You currently have a starter ball equipped. If you switch to the level 81 TM your numbers will be closer to correct.

    In general the more the spin the shorter the ball will travel in air with Full backspin.  Most golf balls increase their distance rating as the spin rating goes up to counter this effect.


    So.. if spin rating matters as to distance what else can be a factor?

    Spin rating on the irons. a recent change in irons can change your numbers.


    if using apparel wearing SE shirt or CM shirt will add spin to the irons and cut distance down. 

    3 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:16 PM

    Thanks. I did change apparell which increased iron spin. I try not to alter things for consistency sake. Back to the practice tee.

  • pdiehm
    304 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 7:10 AM

    just remove all apparel except driver distance hat and glove.  remove iron spin apparel, remove putting forgiveness apparel, remove iron/wedge apparel.  

    Essentially play the game without any bonuses.  Been doing that for 2 years, and my game is dialed in.  Yeah guys outdrive me, they may look better, but I know my distances pretty well...i may have a bad day and that's on me.  apparel hides flaws in games which doesn't prepare you for the WGT tournaments.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 10:01 AM



    just remove all apparel except driver distance hat and glove.  remove iron spin apparel, remove putting forgiveness apparel, remove iron/wedge apparel.  

    Essentially play the game without any bonuses.  Been doing that for 2 years, and my game is dialed in.  Yeah guys outdrive me, they may look better, but I know my distances pretty well...i may have a bad day and that's on me.  apparel hides flaws in games which doesn't prepare you for the WGT tournaments.


    be wary of all encompassing statements. 

    telling people to take off iron spin is fine for people who have a Max shirt that's equivalent level.

    the SE shirt is often worn while leveling up apparel. it's going to be a higher level quicker than the MAX shirt due to trying to level the SE hat. 

    So there is a time when it's worn and then just have to adjust to the decreased distance. 


    in time once the SE gets maxed then other stuff will get raised.

    also putting forgiveness as a stat on apparel is more placebo than anything. effect is minor to non existent. so i wouldn't worry about that one.

    but in general it's a good idea to not have to worry about a bunch of different numbers when switching between apparel rounds and non apparel rounds. and so before making choices at least keep that in mind.