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Golfer views while putting

Tue, Sep 11 2012 7:49 PM (7 replies)
  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 8:54 AM
    First I'd like to say that I've played a lot of golf games over the years and I always look forward to new ones coming out. I was huge into the links series and honestly I'm a little bummed that they stopped producing them so many years ago. The wgt course graphics are great. One of the issues I had with links in 2002 was when they replaced the video of an actual golfer with a cartoony looking guy. I just didn't buy it. The two biggest issues I have with WGT are wind and putting. You can have 18 mile an hour wind that doesn't move your ball at all. That's ridiculous. My biggest issue is with the putting. The fact that you are viewing the golfer sometimes from a side view gives you no real idea of what the break will be. The view should be from directly behind the golfer looking down the line. I also find the distances in putting to be completely innacurate...the downhill/uphill seem to fluctuate in what they will do to your distance. Also don't understand on a 15 foot putt with no up or downhill change when you stop your meter halfway across the ball will sometimes roll 20 feet. I think with wind actually changing ball flight and more consistant (not nec easier) putting this game could be a winner.
  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 9:03 AM
    In times past the wind did affect the ball movement across the greens while putting. It was so bad with a 4 mph wind that you never knew where the ball would end up, so they removed that part of the game. As far as the view while putting, it's part of the game, they do that to confuse you if you let it. Reading the green is still the same as the other views, it just makes it harder to judge the break, with a little practice it is very easy to do. You need to have more than ten rounds in to adjust for certain things, the game is not easy to play and shoot low scores.
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 9:07 AM

    Hope you're pressing the SPACEBAR during putting, uscheese, in order to take a look at the putt from behind the hole as well. Often a far less crooked view. Many players actually prefer to putt while looking at the putt from reverse view.

  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 9:09 AM
    I was talking about the wind in full shots not while putting. I've played dozens (if not more) games of this but I usually quit mid way through frustrated. I thought this was the product suggestions forum...I'm sorry.
  • uscheese
    18 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 9:12 AM
    I have been pressing space bar on the putts...I still find the putting pretty strange. Even the space bar behind the hole view is sometimes crooked to me. Optional views for putting and for full swing would be a huge improvement.
  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 9:30 AM


     Many players actually prefer to putt while looking at the putt from reverse view.

    I use both views, switching between the two, on every putt. I have been confused at times though when the break lines (the dots moving across the surface of the green) seem to appear different from one view to the other. Anyone else notice this? Or is it just my tired eyes?

    I now trust the forward view more than the view from the cup back as, in my limited experience, it tends to give the better indication of the break.


  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 2:46 PM

    I have also noticed the dot speeds change from one view to the other, but I just keep putting along.

  • hotcarrie
    865 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 7:49 PM

    wtf is wgt  doing with the views?