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Average swing speed

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Fri, Nov 27 2009 5:01 PM (2 replies)
  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 12:28 PM

    I been struggling to get to grips with the faster swing speed of my new master clubs since tiering up and have a suggestion. Rather than each club having its own independent swing speed how about each club carrying a value that increases or decreases the meter speed across all clubs in your bag? Doing it this way would allow each player to customize their bags to what feels comfortable to them even further than at present, adding another aspect to the game, and making the swing action more realistic. IMO it totally ruins the feel of the game to play with clubs that swing at different speeds (master driver and rapture irons as an example)

    Having a bag full of master clubs would mean a swing speed equivalent to the master clubs as they stand now, whilst mixing a new master driver with your set of raptures would mean a swing speed of somewhere between the two.

    I realize this would be a huge change but meh I thought it was a cool idea :)

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 1:54 PM

    Sounds like a good idea but I think the default should be the fastest swing speed.  Slowing down the meter speed of the master R9 would make it incredibly accurate and most of the top players believe it is too easy to hit fairways as it is.

  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Fri, Nov 27 2009 5:01 PM

    I think the master clubs should be incredibly accurate, and not just for those that have laser eyes and robotic reflexes lol. You could do something like taking off some of the range of the club as a tradeoff for meter speed. Less power but still as refined. Only way you could have it all would be to have the fastest meter. As it is, playing the game well is too dependent on being able to ding the meter dead center and thats made harder by having different swing speeds.