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12 Days of Christmas 2020 | Day 6

Thu, Dec 17 2020 4:30 PM (42 replies)
  • Leggoman13
    8,440 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 9:01 PM


    This year, Robert1893 and Leggoman13 have come up with a new way to make for more lucky winners in the 12 Days of Christmas 2020.

    It's stocking stuffer time! 

    Each day, Robert or Pierre will be drawing a name from the postings and give to the winner a sleeve of Callaway Level 33 balls. The number of giveaways will match the day number. For example:

    • Day 1: one person gifted a sleeve,
    • Day 2: two persons each gifted a sleeve,
    • Day 3: three persons each gifted a sleeve,
    • And so on through the 12 Days of Christmas. 

    During the whole event, you can only win 1 sleeve. Once you win a sleeve, you are not eligible to receive another sleeve. So be sure to keep an eye on the drawing and see who will be the lucky winner that day.

    The winner for the previous day will be announced in the new day (for example, Day 1 winner announced in the Day 2 thread).

    And remember: the drawing for the sleeve of balls will not affect your request. Additionally, if you only want your name entered into the drawing for the stocking stuffer, you can do that as well. Just post something like: "No gift request. Just want my name entered into the drawing for the Callaways." 

    Good luck to all!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 9:09 PM

    Daily Draw Winners for Day 5


    Our new Random Number Generator Machine has selected:


    • BoonJuice
    • linus447
    • MCalderon402
    • tmal34
    • WillieSinkit


    Sleeves have been sent.

    Merry Christmas!

    And remember everybody, if you posted at all in any of the previous days' threads, your name remains on the list for the "stocking stuffer" giveaway.

    There are 6 days remaining, which means there are still 64 sleeves to be given away. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 9:09 PM

    The protocol for requesting a gift:
    1. Be specific with your request. Please state the Level and name of the ball or equipment. Please do not simply say "Sleeve of Callaway balls." Santas really don't like to guess.Also, confirm that you are playing on the new version on WGT Early Access.

    2. Simply post your request and leave the rhetoric to a minimum. Let's keep this thread and event positive. 

    3. Thank your Santa. Posting the thank you in this Christmas thread is fine. Or posting to the Santa's wall is also fine. But please say "thank you."

    4. The player gifting you should post the following to your wall: "YGIOIW" or something similar. Please do not delete this wall post until after the event has ended. For the Santas, this is very helpful information and helps to ensure that there is not double or cross gifting.

    5. If you receive a gift, please do not post a second request for another gift.

    6. Please remember that this event is being run by regular players. While there are many people who are more than happy to help, our credits are also limited. Santa's bag has limits. It's simply not going to be possible to fulfill every request. We do our best. 

    7. We cannot gift above a player's level. For example, if a player is Level 52, we cannot gift the player the Level 59 Ping irons. 

    8. Finally, please be patient with all the Santas and give them time to respond. While every post may not get acknowledged with a reply, every post will be read and considered by someone. At times, it can just take a bit of time. 

    The protocol for giving a gift:

    1. Before gifting to a player, check this thread. In the second post, I will list the names of those who have been gifted. Even though I will try to do that throughout the event, there will be a necessary lag between when a player is gifted and when I can update this thread.

    2. Check the recipient’s wall to see if "YGIOIW" has been posted.

    3. If you're confident the player has not been gifted, then post on the recipient’s wall "YGIOIW," which simply stands for, “Your gift is on its way.”

    4. After posting to the player's a wall that a gift is being sent, then send the gift. This will help to prevent confusion and double gifting.

    5. If possible, please also respond to the player in this thread that the gift has been sent.

    6. There is no need to post to my wall that you have sent a gift. If you want to do so, you certainly can. It's just the case that it's not necessary. If you post to this thread, I will see it.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 9:09 PM

    For lists of gift recipients as well as unfilled requests, please see current day's thread.

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 9:38 PM


    Dear Santa,

    I'm really enjoying this game, so I will continue playing on the Launcher app.

    It would be awesome if you can send me some sleeves of TM TP5x L48.

    Thanks you very much!

    Two sleeves of TaylorMade TP5x Balls (L48+) sent.  Feliz Navidad!

  • Leggoman13
    8,440 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2020 11:54 PM

    Well I was in a good Mood when I got home last night.


    BIGJOEMAN07 - 2 sleeves ERC soft balls Level 35  sent

    Check in your bag  :o)


    doozemaz -  2 sleeves Callaway ERC Soft Balls (Slow Meter) (L1+)  sent

    check in your bag :o)


    MonjeHotei - 2 sleeves TaylorMade TP5x (L48 +) sent

    Check in your bag

    You can't request something above your actual Level, as you are Level 70, 

    Unfortunately, you can't have that Callaway MAVRIK 3 Wood (L73+) until you get to level 73.

    Bought you Balls instead. :o)


    TMAL34 - Odyssey Triple Track 2 Ball Putter (L59+)  sent

    Check in your bag.

    2 years in a row that you are selected. Lucky You.

    Although you have been a good boy all this time. You are now banned from any future gifting.

    Joking of course

    Enjoy the new putter :o)


    adabert - lvl 52 Bridgestone slow meter balls   sent

    Check in your bag.

    They are not missing from your stocking no more :o)

    But I have accidently replace them with vapor ones instead of the regular ones.

    I hope you can live with the vapors for a while.


    Happy Holidays all


  • borntobesting
    9,740 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2020 12:28 AM

    2 sleeves of Max slow meter balls pro sent to Northwardho1 

  • Northwardho1
    760 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2020 1:39 AM

    Many thanks Santa for the Max pro balls, much appreciated.

  • hernanospina
    18 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2020 3:43 AM

    Hi Santa.

    I am an active player;  I am playing the new WGT EA version through Steam, I do not have access to videos to earn credits, in my country it is very expensive to buy credits I am from Colombia, I would like to have the Mavric lvl irons (100) I appreciate your help, thank you  Santa and Merry Christmas to all sponsors


  • adrob2
    591 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2020 4:02 AM

    2 sleeves of TM lvl 81 balls sent to BrettH56.