WGT credits = cash... period.
They take a rake of 10% out of matchplay challenges. The new ready go tourneys net WGT $10 a tourney. They collect $50 in entry fees and pay out $40 in prizes. So they have made about $1000 in the last 4 days off just ready go tourneys. They also dont allow all players to participate based on "skilled gaming" laws. Why is that? If this were world of warcraft or whatever other examples have been thrown out in this thread to compare WGT to.. would they limit participation because of "skilled gaming" laws? No they wouldn't. They do that because WGT credits=cash and we are gambling.
This site is set up for one reason... to make money.... and based on the percentages they take out of our tourney fees and challenges with each other they are doing a fine job of making money and if they allow us to cash out our winnings then they make less money because they have to give some of it back... and that isnt likely to happen. I knew all i needed to know about this site when they came out with new avatars with red shirts with a $7.50 price tag on them and spent the time on programming that rather than fixing the fundamental flaws in the game. Throw in $1.30 a 3-pack virtual balls that last a few rounds and $30+ sets of clubs and asst. misc BS like $7.50 avatars with different colored shirts [LMAO] and this site makes a killing.
There should be a way to cash out just like there is a way to deposit.