happyman123uk:not how far a certain club will go into a certain wind
the math tells you one aspect of shot calculations, which you state you are already aware of...
what you appear to be asking, is something that requires more information and / or ball mapping notes and style of play such as amount of spin typically used.
you have a L51 ball in the bag with high end irons... balls with identical spin and distance calculations tend to be impacted more by wind / distance effect I believe especially if you are using FBS.
heavy wind conditions tend to require more work than low winds because the slightest deviation or miss calculation can throw everything else off and lead you down a road of a rant about crazy variance or unlucky VEM.
a FBS will likely get knocked down more than a 1/2 BS or flat shot - which means you have to be aware of how to adjust your calculations to your style of play... otherwise you have to map out the details which can be a good 2-5y or more variation depending on spin used.
That said, you can do the math and that will get you in the area you want but how YOUR club/ ball combo responds to those calculations are something you have to learn or pick up from someone that plays that same setup.
btw, those numbers will also vary for a tee shot and a fairway shot... most of the time you can get by with generalizations but if you are trying to hit a very precise spot on a c14 green that can mean the ball comes back off the green or lands, skips and goes longer than expected - a 2-3y variation may be the difference between getting up and down to save par or having a good look at birdie.
Might not be what you were looking for, but it would require going out and mapping that ball for a more precise answer - or actual yardage.