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Club Change Beep

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jan 9 2021 1:25 PM (5 replies)
  • SpikeMike
    51 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2021 3:29 AM

    In the old Flash version of the game, you would hear a beep when you changed clubs. This doesn't happen in the new version and it should really be brought back. 

  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2021 1:57 PM


  • cadwallater
    24 Posts
    Mon, Jan 4 2021 7:22 PM

    I'm just wondering how many players who've been with WGT for a long time, as I have, are having the same kind of problems with the "new" game that I am.   All the parameters have changed, and I cannot find a way to adjust things, such as the player, whose presence on the green while putting obscures the line to the hole, and the new swing meter that I still haven't mastered.  Most troublesome is the absence of a view down the fairway, except for the one from the tee, and the overhead view of the fairway, neither of which is adequate in order to line up a shot, with the result that I'm way off line regardless of how carefully I try to aim it.  Just curious to see if others are as frustrated with it as I am.  Thanks.  Suggestions welcome. 

  • BWerthy
    1,009 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2021 12:59 PM


    In the old Flash version of the game, you would hear a beep when you changed clubs. This doesn't happen in the new version and it should really be brought back. 

    I’m mobile only, so this may not apply, but there is a sound, more of a click when you change clubs, but only when my volume is turned up. 

  • BWerthy
    1,009 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2021 1:05 PM


    I cannot find a way to adjust things, such as the player, whose presence on the green while putting obscures the line to the hole, and the new swing meter that I still haven't mastered.

    For the avatar blocking the view, you just need to turn it sideways to clear the obstructed view.  I am frequently moving the marker to turn the avatar since I play on a 4.3” screen.  It is cumbersome, but if the avatar isn’t grayed out then that is probably your only help that isn’t switching to the reverse camera angle  

    Hope that helps

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Sat, Jan 9 2021 1:25 PM

    I cannot find a way to adjust things, such as the player, whose presence on the green while putting obscures the line to the hole, and the new swing meter that I still haven't mastered.

    If it's you putting, you can click the camera icon (or hit spacebar) to toggle back and forth between forward view and reverse view. 

    If it's your opponent putting, you're stuck with the one view that they give you (behind your opponent).

    Most troublesome is the absence of a view down the fairway, except for the one from the tee, and the overhead view of the fairway, neither of which is adequate in order to line up a shot, with the result that I'm way off line regardless of how carefully I try to aim it.

    Again, you can click on the camera icon (or hit spacebar) or click on the mini-map to see a different view.  You should then see several numbers on the screen next to the camera icon and on the mini-map. Those numbers tell you what cameras are available. Click the number you want, or hit the number key on your keyboard that matches the camera number you want to see.  Hopefully that will help you line up your shot.