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Clarify tier requirements

Tue, Aug 9 2022 11:08 AM (22 replies)
  • scwing1
    35 Posts
    Wed, Jan 13 2021 9:23 AM

    Hi, I'm looking for some clarification of tier level requirements.
    I have read the posted requirements, yet see many players that seem to defy them. 

    For example - Legend level players with a score average of 76... etc. Any explanations for  this? I understand your score avg. is reset each new tier, but is it typical for a 61 (required avg. for Legend) can drop to a 76??

    Also, I have had players tell me about moving up from Tour Pro To Master by just hitting required RR's, regardless of score avg.


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Jan 13 2021 1:43 PM

    Here is the Ranked Rounds / AVG method for advancing tiers.

  • scwing1
    35 Posts
    Wed, Jan 13 2021 3:35 PM

    Thanks for the chart.

    Yes, I have seen that chart - it is what prompted my questions:

    "For example - Legend level players with a score average of 76... etc. Any explanations for  this? I understand your score avg. is reset each new tier, but is it typical for a 61 (required avg. for Legend) can drop to a 76??

    Also, I have had players tell me about moving up from Tour Pro To Master by just hitting required RR's, regardless of score avg."

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Jan 13 2021 9:26 PM

    A first score of 38/76 as a Legend would result in a 76 average, This ain't unusual when stepping to the back tees for the first time with "Master" equipment! Guess what, one of my first Legend scores was a 79.

    OTOH, players talk a lot of trash about unknown characteristics of the game which have become more obscure over time. When that chart was the only factor (before 2013!), you only needed some knowledge of non-linear algebra to get through. From then on, several new factors have been introduced which made it more and more impervious while the company would avoid clarifications.This includes factors which weaken the chart's requirements of RRs and average.

    The hidden rules for mobile play which work w/o ranked rounds were the last blow. A completely new logic, and those who experience them are less present in the fori. Thus there's not much more than guessing.

    Good for the company, as the unknowing player will better accept the heavy grinding necessary in the upper tiers. The chart above plus the XP reference tables are player efforts to pierce the curtain, but this only goes so far.

  • scwing1
    35 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2021 7:01 AM

    Thanks for the reply Alosso.

    I did more reading and I guess I didn't realize how much conditions change going up the higher tiers. I didn't even realize there were green speeds higher than Tournament 12.0!

    I have been playing under a promotional 1 month Premier membership and really jumping up the levels, and didn't want to hit Master too soon. I have just bought equipment and didn't want to have to upgrade again just yet. I'm happy at TP, as it gives me a little help on the tees against the Legends, on some of the coin-games at least. :)

    If I indeed have to get my avg. down to a 67 before moving up to Master, I'm all good with that. Also, quite happy about purchasing new wedges and irons. My avg. score really improved., but more importantly, playing is a lot more enjoyable. Well worth the investment.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2021 7:53 AM

    The jump to Master / TM ain't too big, and it may be unavoidable. Better clubs call for better games, and that may be it, either by average improvement or by the rising levels (coin games).

    Either way, your equipment and balls look good for a TP, with a sideview on the driver(?)

  • scwing1
    35 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2021 8:15 AM

    yup, upgraded driver is next. I should be set up pretty well for a while after that. 

    I have always followed the axiom of  "it's not the bow, but the archer" in whatever I am pursuing. As long as your equipment puts you in a competitive range, you still have to play well.

    I also try to never forget this is, after all, just a game. :)


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2021 11:03 PM

    Good thoughts, as the company tries to seduce us to buying and buying and...

    I put the "?" on because I entered the Master tier w/o a driver. A good 3WD would serve me well, beating a few unsuspecting Masters ;)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,663 Posts
    Fri, Jan 15 2021 2:54 AM


    What a simple, clear and colourful chart! ;-)

  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2021 3:53 PM

    Just to add one thing to this sequence ...

    with coin games in PCEA we now have players who are (and maybe before for mobile players) focussed on those.  They don't play the regular 18 hole and 9 hole rounds which drive average that much.

    So we are going to run into players whose stats don't look so good to us traditional players, but are actually pretty good when apparel is on and playing coin games and now club clashes.
