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Additions to the New App

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jan 30 2021 7:10 PM (2 replies)
  • Beluga127
    1,082 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2021 8:42 AM


    I would like to see the replay option added to the new app.  Sometimes we make such a great (or lucky) shot we would like to share or watch it again.  I miss this option that was available on Flash.  

    Also, allowing the camera to view your opponents shot from a different angle was really nice too.  (It may be that this suggestion is the same as the spectator view request, if so just add another name to the list!)

    Thank You,




  • Firstmrmax
    824 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2021 7:10 PM

    que sera sera,   yea right,  2021 and they cant even come close to the 20 yr old technology of Flash. But they used to go to fashion shows, they can design clothes for the ugly avatars.

  • Jan31947
    100 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2021 7:10 PM

    I've sent this concern to technical support with assurances the request would be sent to the appropriate team.  So the "TEAM" may not exist, but maybe others have the same concern.

    In the New (current) version there is not a viewable Start / Stop time of a particular, or any activity or Tournament.  One may not want to start a round, if there is not enough time to finish that round.

    If someone knows where a 24 hour clock start /stop clock is, in the NEW version, please advise.  Regards, Ron (Jan31947)