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YoungGuns97 Leaves Greenbrier CC.......

Sat, Oct 22 2011 6:31 AM (99 replies)
  • MichaelHazen
    491 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 7:09 AM

    AP - YoungGuns97 has shockingly left The Greenbrier Country Club admist policy discussions with club founder Michaelhazen. YoungGuns expressing concern regarding expansion of the club after the upcoming weeks cuts of inactive members pointed out that these "newer members" might come in and sweep up all the prizes causing possible dissension from existing members new or old.

    He also wondered how newer members would be treated in regards to the rules already set up and if those rules would change or be broken. His comments and views were met by some with the thought that YoungGuns was afraid new players might come in, be better then him and that somehow he felt that might be unfair. It was also pointed out that YoungGuns never mentions that newer players who would have earned any prize he's referring to would be better, just that they merely would be "sweeping up all the prizes".

    When this was pointed out to YG97, he merely scoffed it off and said that the members pointing out were "sour grapes" and "poor losers". He then snarked back that those members needed to get their "own thoughts and not speak for others".

    Michaelhazen, did answer YG97's questions and concerns regarding new members after he originally had to ask YG97 to be more specific from his original inquiry. YG97 apparently didn't care for the Co-Chairmans views and then accused Michael of insinuating that YG97 was somehow cheating and that Michael was clearly jumping to conclusions. When asked about this matter, Michael responded "I have no idea where he thinks I accused him or even insinuated I thought he was cheating, he clearly wasn't".

    As for the jumping to conclusions Hazen replied "I jumped to conclusions on two points, first the rules he asked about in his first release. He didn't clarify what rules were going to be broken and the only one that we've ever had problems with is the "amount of rounds" played rule. So when I was answering his question on rules, I answered regarding that matter. When he then explained what he was talking about, I let him know that I was referring to the "Rule of Rounds" then proceeded to answer his questions on the rules he was actualy asking about. The other thing I did jump to conclusions on, but it appears valid, was that in his concerns......he gives off the impression that he was against expansion, but he never answered the question when I asked him both times".

    Hazen also pointed out, that though there was apparent snarkiness between the two of them, he didn't want nor asked for YG97 to leave. "It's a shame, he was a good player, but he clearly didn't like what I had to say and maybe even felt a little picked on, I don't know. What I do know was obviously he did not understand a word I was saying to him. Not take it out of context, just flatly didn't get what I was trying to explain to him". Questioned what this will do for further expansion, Hazen said that he was still mulling over the matter and still wants feedback from any members as long as it makes sense and doesn't come off self-serving.

    Press release - 10:01 AM (Eastern Standard Time)

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 10:53 AM

    Curious, wouldn't this be more appropriate on your Club Forum?

    Seems like you might be trying to start a public confrontation.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:00 PM


    Curious, wouldn't this be more appropriate on your Club Forum?

    Seems like you might be trying to start a public confrontation.


    I totally agree with MB, I started to read it but 25% of the way through relized this was a CC issue. You should post this in your CC Forum.

  • MichaelHazen
    491 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:14 PM

    I already did. I just wanted to post it for fun. Don't take it so seriously.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:17 PM


    I already did. I just wanted to post it for fun. Don't take it so seriously.

    Calling out a player in the forum isn't what I'd call fun.

  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:25 PM




    I already did. I just wanted to post it for fun. Don't take it so seriously.

    Calling out a player in the forum isn't what I'd call fun.





  • MichaelHazen
    491 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:47 PM

    Well that's not my problem now is it. As it were, if you saw how he was acting in public posts, you'd understand.

  • youngGuns97
    251 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 1:15 PM


    Well that's not my problem now is it. As it were, if you saw how he was acting in public posts, you'd understand.


    oh man....this is  like to wash dirty linen in public..well i got no grudge against i will not spat out what happens in the cc...nor would i critisize you and mentioned names in public..ill leave it at that....

    .i was just unhappy that while  trying to give feedback when asked for will lead to being ridiculed and critisised ....i left your cc....and that is that...good luck to your country club :)

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 2:52 PM


    Well that's not my problem now is it. As it were, if you saw how he was acting in public posts, you'd understand.


    I'll call BS on that, since his Activity Log shows he has not made a post dating back to 9/11/11.


  • Pryke
    295 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 2:59 PM


    Well that's not my problem now is it. As it were, if you saw how he was acting in public posts, you'd understand.

    I don't know you, so don't want to offend you...but starting this topic here, many would consider you to be acting inappropriately.
