gherkinhead1: How about you do something original and work out why we can't reconcile Quantum Physics with Einstein's General Theory of Relativity?
Neveer happen until they stop using OLD MATH
We need new math if they are even going to come close to achievind LIGHT SPEED
They thought the speed of sound barrier would possibly incinerated one, from heat, or even wildly postulated, one could enter another dimension.
They simply didn't know. When dropping the first ATOMIC bomb, they thought the ATMOSPHERE could possibly ignight..... They did it anyway!! Yikes!
When we STOP being barbarians toward each other, then & only then, will the universe's secrets be revealed to us.
You think the alien hord want's a bunch of money worsiping, power hungry misanthopes zipping about.
*First Contact* (human scenerio) Ship lands - We extricate ourselves from said ship - Meet new species - Proclaim we *COME IN PEACE* - Kill every last one of them - Use & abuse the new digs - Get bored of creating another distopian society - Leave planet in search of a BETTER ONE...
Last one turned to crap....... *The Song Remains the Same*
Human history repeates itself, however, no one cares. REMEMBER?
The Pepridge Farm folks remember