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Thu, Feb 11 2021 2:26 AM (9 replies)
  • Buzzardp
    5 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2021 2:25 PM

    I have enjoyed playing in the coin rooms for about six years, primarily using an iPad. However the enjoyment vanishes every time another showdown kicks off , and the coin room I play in is invaded . Tonight I have played three different guys all using gaming pc’s.

    Unsurprisingly I couldn’t get anywhere near competitive .

    Please can someone tell me why it’s considered a good idea to use regular mobile players as sacrificial lambs?

    Surely there is somewhere these players could be directed to knock lumps out of each other on a level playing field 

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2021 5:11 AM

    Hahahah , I kind of see where you are coming from , as I am in the same situation . Having said that , during showdown after I have played my rounds in it , I switch to playing ranked rounds and club tourneys . It doesn’t bother me too much, unless I am in a turf war ! 
    One thing I would add , at risk of being talked down , is that we mobile only players , have no other places to play other than where we have always played. Yet with the new formatting for PC players , whilst I realise a lot of them don’t like the new formats , their own places to to play has increased , as they can and do now play in coin rooms.
    My wish would be that at some stage WGT will become an equal game for all with all options of play available on all devices.  

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2021 6:58 AM

    Tonight I have played three different guys all using gaming pc’s.

    how do you know this?

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2021 7:45 AM


    I have enjoyed playing in the coin rooms for about six years, primarily using an iPad. However the enjoyment vanishes every time another showdown kicks off , and the coin room I play in is invaded . Tonight I have played three different guys all using gaming pc’s.

    Unsurprisingly I couldn’t get anywhere near competitive .

    OK. Someone is going to have to explain this to me.

    Conceding the claim to be true, why does the fact that they're using "gaming pc's" make it uncompetitive for you? And would it be different if they were using a regular PC?

    Seriously, I don't understand how the platform causes a disparity in ability to be competitive. 

  • BPeterson8256
    2,931 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2021 9:08 AM


    OK. Someone is going to have to explain this to me.

    Conceding the claim to be true, why does the fact that they're using "gaming pc's" make it uncompetitive for you? And would it be different if they were using a regular PC?

    Seriously, I don't understand how the platform causes a disparity in ability to be competitive. 

    This is just a guess... 

    First... There are many mobile players that are fantastic and competitive with any PC players.

    That said, the showdown throws players competing for prizes and good prize money into coin rooms they would normally not play in. I am only playing to compete in the Showdown, and don't care at all if I win the coins. I just need a low score for the Showdown. They often times match me up against Masters, Pros, and even Amateurs. I much prefer the rare occasions I end up matched with a top player. I have even ran into players like fmagnets in those games, so that shows what some of these newer and lower tier players are suddenly up against.

    I doubt it is just players with "gaming PC's" that this person is seeing, but with so many PC players playing in the showdowns, it may seem that way.

    I have no solutions. That is just an explanation for what they are probably seeing.


  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Tue, Feb 9 2021 9:26 AM

    Brett , I think that seems a very fair assessment. 

  • Buzzardp
    5 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2021 12:55 AM

    As to how I know they are using gaming pc's, the answer is simple, I ask them. Usually if the conditions are particularly challenging , but they are hitting approach shots with unerring accuracy, I will ask what platform they are using. To encounter three of these in one evening is happily extremely unusual. I can only assume those asking what difference it makes, has never tried playing on an iphone!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2021 5:52 AM


    I can only assume those asking what difference it makes, has never tried playing on an iphone!

    On two fronts, that would be a bad assumption.

    First, I have played the game on my phone. Just like any platform, it simply takes time to get used to and develop some muscle memory. And second, one of the best players of the game primarily plays on a phone. At least, when I last had a conversation with him he did.

    But more to the point, in your original post you wrote you primary play on an iPad. No mention was made of playing on a phone. I also primarily play on an iPad. I don't feel as if I'm at a disadvantage at all regardless of what platform the other person might be playing. 

    I remain convinced that skill + knowledge is much more important than the platform a person plays on. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2021 8:11 AM

    what is probably happening is that with new version there is an influx of PC players into the lower rooms.

    There really aren't that many new people in Bellagio and Tokyo. I play the same  60-80 people over and over. So there hasn't been some invasion of PC players who are really good up into the higher rooms yet. 

    And all of those who have played in there for years are probably still on tablets. I mean they are all pretty good so why switch.

    (and one month i was hunting and in a bind during a showdown and played on my iphone instead of my Kindle fire  and tied for first at -19 but came in second based on whatever tiebreak they used. the smaller screen is a handicap but it can be adapted to).


    The platform really doesn't matter. Although i used to switch back and forth alot. Now i really hate playing on the PC. I hit really early all the time. the look and feel of the meter is  different.  so it has a slower feel to it. imo you have to pick one or the other now. no more bouncing back and forth.

  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Thu, Feb 11 2021 2:26 AM


    As to how I know they are using gaming pc's, the answer is simple, I ask them. Usually if the conditions are particularly challenging , but they are hitting approach shots with unerring accuracy, I will ask what platform they are using. To encounter three of these in one evening is happily extremely unusual. I can only assume those asking what difference it makes, has never tried playing on an iphone!


    I'm using a 2 GB laptop that cost 200 euros (cca 240 $) and can hit it fairly close, so there's zero need for a gaming PC. However, at least for me, it's much easier to click a mouse than it is to tap. The only thing I found easy to tap was "dat azz" and that was some time ago...