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Ave score

Mon, Mar 1 2021 11:31 AM (3 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,242 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2021 4:38 AM

     I know this has been talked about a lot , but wondered if someone could give me some guidance please. I made tour legend a few days ago , after having taken ages to get there. Since tiering up , I have so far only played easy ranked rounds , and notice even a -7 puts my ave up. Is this because in my endeavour to get to tour legend I was playing a lot of easy rounds , at -9 ish . I know it will be a long time to become saturated , so should I just not be bothering to try and keep my ave down ? I anticipate during the clash my ave will sky rocket ,but I am thinking it won’t really matter.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2021 5:48 AM

    Congrats to TL!

    As a preface,

    even a -7 [...] at -9 ish
    Please refer to full scores when talking about average - the only way to avoid ambiguities. You talk about 27 and 29 at KIA, right? These go into average calculation as 2x27=54 and 58, respectively, and should drop your 58.08 average. Alas, 30=60 and 32=64 pull it up.

    To the general subject:

    should I just not be bothering to try and keep my ave down ?

    You have 750 scores to saturation, you can't be bothered all the time!

    Instead, have fun!!

    The big number 750 hides the facts, but our goal (all the more from Legend up) is not to lower the average. Instead, we are trying to collect a big bucket full of scores which eventually combine to the (non-linear) target average. A whole bunch of skyrocketting scores will spill over and disappear once the bucket is filled up.

    Imagine you play a 100 score, just for fun. It will hold your average up right until you're saturated. The next score, be it 50 or 80, will kick it out into oblivion. Same may apply to a 9-hole 32 or 33 score before you become a Champ.

  • bossbird
    2,242 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2021 7:28 AM

    Thanks alosso, I hoped you might point me in the right direction. During the clash matches I often put in high scoring rounds if I am going for a putting award or one of the others , so , what you are saying is , it doesn’t really matter at this stage as I am so far away from the 750 saturation point .

    your point about the need to look at full scores is valid , thank you. What I don’t want to do is spend the next 730 rounds at Kiawah , St. Andrews or wolf creek. ! I want to continue to play all courses , so I will not worry about it until close to saturation. 
    Thanks Lesley  

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Mar 1 2021 11:31 AM

    During the clash matches I often put in high scoring rounds if I am going for a putting award or one of the others , so , what you are saying is , it doesn’t really matter at this stage as I am so far away from the 750 saturation point .
    It never matters - you play a (hopefully enjoyable) round, and either it's in the terminal bucket, or it's not.

    I will not worry about it until close to saturation. 
    I advise against such limited thinking.


    Before saturation, don't worry, just enjoy.

    At saturation, you're either close to the average number - then those few scores won't matter.

    Or, you are away - then it doesn't matter either, because you'll have to work more in fun!

    Therefore, don't worry, just enjoy.

    But, you may now take a note of your ranked rounds number (in your stats) to get an impression whether saturation date is nigh when you're eager!