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Game cannot be played on Windows 10

rated by 0 users
Sun, Mar 7 2021 10:35 AM (3 replies)
  • ColonelFlagg
    4 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2021 1:11 PM

    First, I have played the game for nearly 5 years without any trouble. That changed yesterday. The game screen opens but is only a 1 inch wide title screen and a sliver of the home screen. I have tried to post a forum message in the Bug section and the message has not been approved yet I suppose because I cannot see my post.

    I have also sent in two emails to the support email address with no reply.

    Has anyone else ever encountered this and been able to fix it? I have uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled three times and yet I get the same issue each time.

    I would aprpeciate any advice. At this point I am ready to call it quits and request a refund. Thanks in advance,

  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2021 12:38 AM
    WGTShamWow suggests,

    "When you launch the game you will see a play button at the bottom of the WGT Launcher window.  Hold down your control or alt or command key, then click the play button. DO NOT release the key until the WGT Golf Configuration window appears. Now release the key and select your screen resolution setting. Check the windowed mode checkbox, ignore all other options then click play.
    Subsequent launches should function normally."
  • ColonelFlagg
    4 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2021 6:03 AM


    Thank you very much for the help. Your suggestion worked and I am able to play again. I am very grateful. Thank you. Have a good day.


    Colonel Flagg


  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2021 10:35 AM

    You're welcome Colonel Flagg, thank you. ; )