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putter pal

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Thu, Mar 18 2021 9:46 AM (2 replies)
  • fwankter
    68 Posts
    Wed, Mar 17 2021 8:47 PM

    Hola WGT family..... i have an issue I would appreciate some help on. Last month i lost putter pal for some reason and all i have now is a black box on my putter bar with no grid lines at all.

    In normal play (coin rooms, match play, skins, and single player) i still have the backstroke power bar that lets me know how hard im hitting it but thats all. I lost it on my phone and PC.

    In alt shot format or any tournament all i have is a black box...thats it... and just have to guess on everything with the putter.

    I contacted WGT and they say its working...but its not. Putter pal shows to be on in settings and ive tried the remove/ reinstall method and restore defaults many times on every platform.

    My outstanding cc owner tells me there are a bunch of technical gurus out there that might be able to help so if anyone has any ideas id sure appreciate the help. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Thu, Mar 18 2021 9:22 AM


  • ichott
    56 Posts
    Thu, Mar 18 2021 9:46 AM

    It could also be that whilst its ‘on’ youre not entitled to it eg not a member of a CC or you have to pay for it in pro shop, are 2 reasons, in your case you are a CC member so try paying for it and see if comes up!