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Clash starting 8.4.20

Fri, Apr 9 2021 1:58 PM (25 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 12:10 AM

    Good to see WGT have now changed prizes a little ! Top three clubs win a golden putter ! 
    BUT , no ball payouts  

    med wind speed 10 greens , started with Erin 

  • Lizington
    276 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 1:13 AM

    What else have they fixed ⏰ 🤔

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 1:56 AM
    Does anyone see a 4 hour event, count down clock ? The new format is very pretty, and I'm sure it took alot of work, but same problem exists ! Same crap, different pile.
  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 2:11 AM


    Good to see WGT have now changed prizes a little ! Top three clubs win a golden putter ! 
    BUT , no ball payouts  

    med wind speed 10 greens , started with Erin 

    Interesting to see if that is the prize for every clash or WGT is being generous in awarding the gp’s from the 2 cancelled clashes.

    Check email from WGT for start of clash and go from there, set countdown on your phone, problem solved re the timeclock.

    Just played a clash round at Erin, clash clock is up there in bright red, light winds and 10 greens so scoring should be low.

  • HamHock66
    526 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 2:50 AM

    But no clock showing where the choice of using passes menu is so still no idea how much time left in the game unless you enter the game.

  • Barbarossa
    121 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 3:12 AM

    No countdown clock on current game until you use a pass.

    Same problem.

  • Alain760
    351 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 4:01 AM

    REALLY no countdown on the match board  to see before using a pass or a superpass to know if there is still time to play.

    Of course we can message in the chat or set the phone but it would have been great to have the time remaining on the match board.

    PRIZES now the 4th and the 100th have nearly the same prizes, its a joke.

    I know we are playing for the competition but the prizes won are a big stimulation.

    And where is the stimulation with THAT.

    Its great for the 3 on the podium they will have also the same prizes.

    IF these changes are permanent we will see a lot of GOLD PUTTER on the field lol.


    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 4:13 AM

    Does anyone see a 4 hour event, count down clock ? The new format is very pretty, and I'm sure it took alot of work, but same problem exists ! Same crap, different pile.






    AMAZING!! Was this not the point of the clash fix update?  SMH ..So once again you must possibly waste a pass to see there is only 11 mins left in current match!

    And the "New" prize structure?... We have gone from rewarding one "Bootcamp" club (play the clash "A LOT" or to the *stockade you go) to rewarding the top three?🤣😂   And to the rest of the community....

        *stockade= tossed outta the club!

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 4:16 AM

    What the heck has WGT been doing for the last month !! 
    Is it so difficult to put a countdown clock for the four hour timespan for each new clash match.
    come on WGT , you are better than this !! 
    Its only there once a pass has been committed to ! 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2021 4:34 AM

    What the heck has WGT been doing for the last month !! 
    Is it so difficult to put a countdown clock for the four hour timespan for each new clash match.
    come on WGT , you are better than this !! 
    Its only there once a pass has been committed to ! 

    They made the Web page nice and pretty, but basically, they planted a bunch of pretty flowers, on the side of the road, so u can't see that they didn't fix the pot holes. Guess this is their way, of saying, " we have no idea, how to fix it"