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Country Club Build Up

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Tue, Apr 27 2021 3:10 PM (6 replies)
  • bjdominica
    19 Posts
    Sat, Apr 24 2021 7:06 AM

    Last year we were associated with flash, this year it went away. However, some of the same problems are being encountered with this year's newer game, for example there are

    46 new member invites to my country club that are pending;

    there are players who start playing strong and then they just freeze when they are really doing good;

    playing some game mode games like alternate play the game quits without a winner, but my club is spending credits to buy club passes and those aren't refunded

    I send an inquiry about the situation and I get the same generated response; or it has been passed to our QA and someone will get right with you, only nothing never happens. They tell you all these things to try and they already know that no results will be produced, but it's their way of a bogus solution, WHY?

    you are making money on this game, but won't fix the problems and I know I am not the only one who is seeing this, so why continue to treat people like they are embasils, don't you think it's time to cut the *** string?

    Biggest one completely no communication with my club members, emailing notices that they aren't receiving, how I know they have personally emailed me and said they didn't receive any messages that I sent to them, nor tournaments on club page.

    Along with 3 other players I watched a ball that i barely touched and it travelled over 35 feet away from where it was intended to go, so who is controlling the game, come on cut the bull *** and let people enjoy the game as it is supposed to be like what the KING ARNOLD PALMER SAID.

    let the other clubs grow and stop playing preference, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life for this in justice and you're still doing this even in just a frigging computer game, but get this: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER; FRET NOT THYSELF AGAINST EVIL DOERS(PSALM 37 READ IT)


  • TopShelf2010
    10,963 Posts
    Sat, Apr 24 2021 8:51 AM


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Apr 24 2021 9:44 AM

    46 new member invites to my country club that are pending;
    You probably invited them but they didn't accept the offer - delete them (or not),
    it's but deadwood.

    there are players who start playing strong and then they just freeze when they are really doing good;
    Players stop playing all the time for any possible reason.

    Still, I don't figure who you're pointing to, of your five members(?)

    playing some game mode games like alternate play the game quits without a winner, but my club is spending credits to buy club passes and those aren't refunded

    1) These passes collect all the CDP boni and XPs for any stroke made in any game, even if aborted.

    2) CC Passes are better spent on other games than multiplayers.

    3) Your small CC of level 6 doesn't need any passes to be purchased for yourself or gifted to others - it will blossom on free passes alone!

    They tell you all these things to try and they already know that no results will be produced, but it's their way of a bogus solution, WHY?
    You better accept the game AS IS - it won't change to fit your expectations, however justified they may appear to you.

    don't you think it's time to cut the *** string?
    Don't you stay in passive mode: In the light of the above, it's up to you to decide
    if you stay or if you leave...

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life for this in justice

    Hmmm - MLK fought for the civil rights movement and against racial inequality. How are these subjects involved in the properties of the game or the company's actions?

  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2021 9:49 PM

    I hate to get into this debate.

    Building up a strong club takes real work.  There are different ways and strategies to do it, but it requires work however.

    I rarely do unrequested invitations to my club, but if requested or not, they are gone within a week if not accepted.

    We can argue the club clash thing until the cows come home, but some clubs just enjoy them.  Mine included, not that we will win one.  

    As to free cc xp passes, if one's daily streak if over 5-6 days, using the free daily pass on the first game of WGT day is more important than what game one is playing.



  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2021 10:21 PM

    so why continue to treat people like they are embasils

    I don't mean to take away from the problems this gent needs help sorting out, and I apologize in advance but.....

    I LMAO when I came upon the line above.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Apr 26 2021 10:39 PM

    We can argue the club clash thing until the cows come home, but some clubs just enjoy them.  Mine included, not that we will win one.  
    It's o.k. for me, for the fun of it. My argument was against the NEED to spend on passes.

    As to free cc xp passes, if one's daily streak if over 5-6 days, using the free daily pass on the first game of WGT day is more important than what game one is playing.

    OTOH, it's a waste to spend for a pass on a H2H with meagre XPs. No gain, only costs!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Tue, Apr 27 2021 3:10 PM

    I almost hate to say this but leadership of a CC starts at the top - the owner has to take responsibility. 

    To the owner I can say this:

    • You started your CC in 2011.
    • Ten years later you have only contributed a little over 462,000 CC XPs.
    • Not that I would ever change CCs but I could contribute more CC XPs then you have in 10 years in the next 5-6 days.
    •  Had you just kept your CDP up from day 1 of forming the CC and really tried to build it you would have a good 20 Million CC XPs and your CC could have been full with players and near the top.
    Stop complaining and invest the time is my best advice. Make your CC Forum an active and helpful place for newcomers, Not sure how a 10 year veteran of the game that has only made it to Tour Pro can - but YOU have to be the one to try.

    Just my opinion.


    PS- When I was the owner of The Peoples Club I spent a minimum of 6 hours per day building the club. You do that Sir and you will find success quite soon.