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Clash #149 !!!

Fri, Apr 30 2021 2:00 PM (19 replies)
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  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 12:42 AM

    Are you serious ! Starting Thursday 29 April , we had one last week !


    this cannot be right surely ! No one is ready , since when did we have weekly clashes ??

  • EdwardTLogan
    504 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 12:50 AM

    Very poor form, surely WGT knows how much planning etc goes into each Clash.

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 1:17 AM

    Whilst playing my first match , I have now taken the decision I will not be playing in it any more . I own a small but good clash club , with two members we finish in top 100 , playing lots of rounds , buying lots of balls . Well not this time . WGT you have messed up big time here. I would like to call on all clubs to boycott this clash , I don’t suppose many will , but it’s the only way to make WGT realise they can’t do this ! 
    we need to lobby to keep the super passes we have already won to carry over to the next planned for clash . This one needs to be wiped out, in my opinion.  

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 3:22 AM

    Thiis week would have been the regular schedule for a clash.  But in their infinite wisdom, when they screwed up the timer in clashs, it threw clash schedule all wonky. The down time a few days ago, should have tipped us off, as to what they were up to. I agree with Bossbird, they should have announced it, but again, now it isn't their wisdom, but more like a moronic state of mind, we will be back on schedule. Unfortunately, they don't care if u boycott or not, as long as they make just a couple dollars profit, they figured that they are ahead. Wgt,  doesn't care about customer satisfaction, just profits, greed. 

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 3:33 AM

    I understand , my boycott only affects me and not them , I love the clash , but I am just a tad angry that once again their lack of communication has occurred. So , cutting off my nose to spite my face , they won’t be getting any balls from me this clash , just a shame that I have oodles of super passes going unused . If my ave was saturated I may have played with the starter balls , but I won’t sacrifice my ave for that ! 

  • Ghunter210
    3 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 4:26 AM

    Totally agree Ed, I’m struggling to find any communication from WGT on this. My understanding is Clash is every 2 weeks so this feels completely out of the blue! It would be great to get an explanation from WGT on this? Although I’m not hold my breath.


  • tramilleo
    1,903 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 5:06 AM

    I have been playing this game since May 09 2009. Wgt at this point i am ready to move on from you. You bring a clash that features 22-30mph winds, a CC clash mind you. I play this game for fun, not for frustration. Since the end of flash i have watched your product degrade into a S**TSHOW. I understand the need for the hurricane winds in weekly, and sponsored tournaments, but when it is player versus player please kill the hurricane winds. Are you trying to drive your paying customers away. PISS POOR BUSINESS MODEL IMHO 

  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 5:09 AM


    I understand , my boycott only affects me and not them , I love the clash , but I am just a tad angry that once again their lack of communication has occurred. So , cutting off my nose to spite my face , they won’t be getting any balls from me this clash , just a shame that I have oodles of super passes going unused . If my ave was saturated I may have played with the starter balls , but I won’t sacrifice my ave for that ! 

    Wolf Creek back 9 with 10 speed greens must be tempting to lower your average though :), Oakmont on the other hand, meh. 

  • TySrixon13
    161 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 7:32 AM


    I have been playing this game since May 09 2009. Wgt at this point i am ready to move on from you. You bring a clash that features 22-30mph winds, a CC clash mind you. I play this game for fun, not for frustration. Since the end of flash i have watched your product degrade into a S**TSHOW. I understand the need for the hurricane winds in weekly, and sponsored tournaments, but when it is player versus player please kill the hurricane winds. Are you trying to drive your paying customers away. PISS POOR BUSINESS MODEL IMHO 

    x2 , and if I may add to your statement...a serious lack of communication !

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Apr 29 2021 7:33 AM



    I understand , my boycott only affects me and not them , I love the clash , but I am just a tad angry that once again their lack of communication has occurred. So , cutting off my nose to spite my face , they won’t be getting any balls from me this clash , just a shame that I have oodles of super passes going unused . If my ave was saturated I may have played with the starter balls , but I won’t sacrifice my ave for that ! 

    Wolf Creek back 9 with 10 speed greens must be tempting to lower your average though :), Oakmont on the other hand, meh. 

    Whilst I am totally peed off , I will play just enough to get in top 500 for a couple of free passes . I just don’t understand why WGT could t have told us , that is my biggest gripe ! 

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