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Club Strength and Leaderboards

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 21 2021 6:35 AM (8 replies)
  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2021 2:14 AM

    I was just looking at the leaderboard for the US Open Qualifying and noticed so many Cobra Kai Members on the first page (like 5-8 just with one cursory glance), so top 20-30...and that’s without Young46 there yet.

    However, I have never seen the Club on any leaderboard... Turf War or Clash.


  • dhjam1
    588 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2021 11:03 AM

    Simple answer is that they don't focus on Clashes and Tw

  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Wed, May 19 2021 9:54 PM

    There are different kinds of clubs that emphasize different things, including recruiting members that have different goals.

    If I wanted to recruit a TC club I could do it.  I like a club open to all skill levels.

    I have no issues with TCC or Cobra Kai or several others I could name.  They do their thing, we do ours.  I bet they feel the same way about Black Diamond GC, that they are fine with us.

    Nor do I see an issue with coin game clubs, but I will never join one.  I do have issues with how WGT implements coin games at the expense of longer term members.  I will save that for another post.

    Big Internet for a reason.



  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 5:44 AM

    Please note, this is a discussion, not a question... thanks for your input. Only been playing 7 months, so I’m trying to get as much information as I can on all aspects of the game.

    Appreciate everyone’s comments.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 6:42 AM


    I was just looking at the leaderboard for the US Open Qualifying and noticed so many Cobra Kai Members on the first page (like 5-8 just with one cursory glance), so top 20-30...and that’s without Young46 there yet.

    However, I have never seen the Club on any leaderboard... Turf War or Clash.


    Clash is 99% about volume of games played. Skill has very little to do with it. Why people throw credits at it baffles me because all it means is we played more games than you did.

    Turf Wars are about 60% Volume and 40% skill. what i mean by that is it basically boils down to does one team have more people that will play Bellagio than the other side. But of course have to have some skill to consistently play Bellagio.  And of course it requires spending credits on both passes and ball hits for zero reward. Financially for the player it's always a loss. 

  • Norm00900
    57 Posts
    Thu, May 20 2021 11:44 AM

    Those events where you can replay over and over..some of these guys have charted every hole with every wind possible..takes time but can be done if that brings you joy.

    -clash is awesome on a contending team..trying to bring 200+ members battling to win is a nice rush.sharing cards and properly playing sps.

    -I did enjoy turf before but not so much any many coin drops. It was fun trying to win enough coins to get to finally play in Bella but so me of the big tw clubs just drop coins to all there members so they can all play Bella regardless the skill....

    if you are not on discord or tele with your club you are missing out on a big part of the fun in events. The penalty box is such a jolt of excitement during clash and leading up to it.

  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2021 6:32 AM



    I was just looking at the leaderboard for the US Open Qualifying and noticed so many Cobra Kai Members on the first page (like 5-8 just with one cursory glance), so top 20-30...and that’s without Young46 there yet.

    However, I have never seen the Club on any leaderboard... Turf War or Clash.


    Clash is 99% about volume of games played. Skill has very little to do with it. Why people throw credits at it baffles me because all it means is we played more games than you did.

    Turf Wars are about 60% Volume and 40% skill. what i mean by that is it basically boils down to does one team have more people that will play Bellagio than the other side. But of course have to have some skill to consistently play Bellagio.  And of course it requires spending credits on both passes and ball hits for zero reward. Financially for the player it's always a loss. 

    This is the closest opinion to mine, and written far better than I could have to explain it.


    ps but it’s been sullied by coins not being allocated properly to me and I’ve sent close to 10 emails to the members email helpline to get them rectified.

    Fair enough, they have given me the coins, but I have to send an email every time this happens. I wanna play gold (virtually), not get wrapped up in a kafkaespue nightmare of screenshots proving my case and sending them to WGT every week.

  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2021 6:32 AM



    I was just looking at the leaderboard for the US Open Qualifying and noticed so many Cobra Kai Members on the first page (like 5-8 just with one cursory glance), so top 20-30...and that’s without Young46 there yet.

    However, I have never seen the Club on any leaderboard... Turf War or Clash.


    Clash is 99% about volume of games played. Skill has very little to do with it. Why people throw credits at it baffles me because all it means is we played more games than you did.

    Turf Wars are about 60% Volume and 40% skill. what i mean by that is it basically boils down to does one team have more people that will play Bellagio than the other side. But of course have to have some skill to consistently play Bellagio.  And of course it requires spending credits on both passes and ball hits for zero reward. Financially for the player it's always a loss. 

    This is the closest opinion to mine, and written far better than I could have to explain it.


    ps but it’s been sullied by coins not being allocated properly to me and I’ve sent close to 10 emails to the members email helpline to get them rectified.

    Fair enough, they have given me the coins, but I have to send an email every time this happens. I wanna play gold (virtually), not get wrapped up in a kafkaespue nightmare of screenshots proving my case and sending them to WGT every week.

  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2021 6:35 AM


    Those events where you can replay over and over..some of these guys have charted every hole with every wind possible..takes time but can be done if that brings you joy.

    -clash is awesome on a contending team..trying to bring 200+ members battling to win is a nice rush.sharing cards and properly playing sps.

    -I did enjoy turf before but not so much any many coin drops. It was fun trying to win enough coins to get to finally play in Bella but so me of the big tw clubs just drop coins to all there members so they can all play Bella regardless the skill....

    if you are not on discord or tele with your club you are missing out on a big part of the fun in events. The penalty box is such a jolt of excitement during clash and leading up to it.

    This is of course the countercase, which I’m fullynon board with, but due to circumstances I don’t focus on them.

    But it catches the essence of why the Clashes and Turf Wars are great know, the reason we spend our time playing.

    The best one I’ve come across.
