Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to * It's Money Time *

Today we are happy to introduce "It's Money Time" to the public in an official capacity. We know its little late to the party on forum, but here we are. We have already done 4 editions and Iam sure some of you know about this already.
However without wasting any time, I would like to give a brief description of how this works.
* This will be 18 holes skins challenge format.
* Will be Invitational only (Some big sharks and friends on the way)
* We have 3 slots comprising of 100 Cr/hole, 250 Cr/hole and 400 Cr/hole.
* It will be 4 legged unlimited fun with friends.
* And finally, everyone have to join the dedicated server of "IMT" and will be on discord call during the game time and oh yes, you can't skip this part.
Here are the posters and twitch links of previous editions:
* IMT Game Edition 1 *

Twitch Links - "Irishking1916 - Simovoice"
* IMT Game Edition 2 *

Twitch Link - "Irishking1916"
* IMT Game Edition 3 *

Twitch Links - "Irishking1916 - Simovoice"
* IMT Game Edition 4 *

Twitch Links "Simovoice - Irishking1916"
Here after, once we have a game day and time fixed, will update with the poster and twitch links. Those who are interested and have free time, can join us on Twitch. Iam sure we will try our best to entertain you while entertaining ourselves.
Ooooo by the way, Simo has his Italian tricks and King has his Alexa ;) ;) Anything and everything can go wrong :D :D
Lastly, we are only here for some giggles.
Peace & Love
- It's Money Time