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Shots from the rough

Mon, Mar 25 2024 1:29 PM (12 replies)
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  • Trapsix
    30 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 7:54 AM

    How is it no matter what club I play I can not get any distance out of second cut rough for example  play a eight iron on full power capable of 145 yards and the ball travels 100 yards and it is similar no matter what club I use 

  • RickinWaSt
    2,096 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2021 6:11 AM

    You can search back conversations on the subject from your browser: WGT Rough shots. If you have not done so, go into YouTube and search Young56 as he has numerous and well thought out tutorials, one focused on hitting out of the rough. 

    Lastly, recommend you will need to go into practice mode and repeatedly hit rough shots into a green and mapped the results. Compared to 1st cut of rough, hitting out of 2nd can be challenging and limited. 


  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2021 12:55 PM

    Try using a punch shot out of rough. I always add about 5% for 25% rough, 10% for 30-40%, and about 14% for 40-50. Also keep in mind that your longer clubs, (3, 4, 5 irons) don’t do very well out of the rough, however you will get a lot of roll if your fairway is flat.


    Also do like the above post and search for some videos.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,660 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2021 1:10 PM

    Also keep in mind that your longer clubs, (3, 4, 5 irons) don’t do very well out of the rough, however you will get a lot of roll if your fairway is flat.

    Just like in real golf. The physics engine of the game itself is very well made.

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Wed, Jun 30 2021 6:40 PM

    As a general rule I use a multiplier of 1.1 applied to the yardage for 30/40 and 1.2 for 40/50. But I have also mapped all my clubs for full distance with FBS from 40/50. Wedge shots require less yd adjustment. From 30/40 it is definitely possible to score; from 40/50, it’s a stroke.

  • Fartman56
    65 Posts
    Thu, Jul 1 2021 12:25 AM

    It is simple. WGT gets the greatest thrill *** with people trying to improve there game. But the have a feature called VEM that prevents a player to improve. They will use a reference point of when you were a hack as the only tendencies that you will ever have and you will always be late or early because on a shot similar when you were a hack is there baseline. They need to do away with the VEM and just let us play. Every shot is new and should not be based upon a shot you may have taken 10 years ago. But WGT will not do away with the VEM because they only want new players and to *** the old players.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Fri, Jul 2 2021 10:21 AM


    It is simple. WGT gets the greatest thrill *** with people trying to improve there game. But the have a feature called VEM that prevents a player to improve. They will use a reference point of when you were a hack as the only tendencies that you will ever have and you will always be late or early because on a shot similar when you were a hack is there baseline. They need to do away with the VEM and just let us play. Every shot is new and should not be based upon a shot you may have taken 10 years ago. But WGT will not do away with the VEM because they only want new players and to *** the old players.

    Fartman56, I commend you for your consistency. Every post of yours that I've ever read is the same angry rant with minimal variety. The game is unfair, WGT don't care, yadda yadda.

    And yet, here you are. Still.

    Surely they must be doing something right for you to keep on playing, so I offer you a challenge: try to say something positive about the game, just once. Go on, you can do it. The photos are great, new courses are nice, it's fun playing with friends....something like that. It doesn't have to be much, and it might even make you feel good when you do it.

    Over to you.

  • club578
    569 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2024 10:33 AM

    can you explain how when I am hitting from the rough around the green at 30/40 or 40/50 l have to deduct 2 or 3 from yardage and sometimes it still rolls past pin?

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