At the end of coin games, I watch the videos for the bonus XP points under the “Watch Video & Earn bonus XP Points”! moniker.
For the past few days, the video plays fine, but immediately following the video, an error code pops up.
Oops. Something unexpected happened. Error code: 1063 (ProcessXPAward Callback-Failed to find xp award key df7508e7-8075-4df3-be29-ac00003f684c_15f5102e-4dc1-4057-a9fc-ad55015466b4))
Your options are to “retry”, or to “cancel”. Retry is a perpetual loop, and cancel kicks you out to the main menu.
I recorded my XP points before and after the games and can determine XP points are not awarded even after watching the video. I play strictly on an iPad Pro, and it has current software update. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I suspect it may have had something to do with the double XP weekend because it seems that is when the problem started.