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How do you get an answer? 7th Post - modified

Mon, Jul 26 2021 1:30 AM (28 replies)
  • kdownunder
    1,463 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2021 2:55 AM

    Hello WGT ....

    The only thing I care about as a nearly 10 year player on here ...  is making friends availability work so that everyone is not green all the time ... and making Alt shot games work ... so that :

    (a) you can see who is available (for real), i.e. not everyone green
    (b) you can respond to an invitation with more than the current 3 reasons. e.g. "I will be 3 minutes" or "just finishing a country club game" or ....
    (3) you can accept a game when ur are in one of the STUPID (obviously my opinion only) coin games without the game just freezing and the invitation not working
    (4) you can accept a game when you are in a lobby or playing any game without the game freezing
    (5)  that the chat box doesn't not have limitations nor freeze out (stop work) - which it does laughably when even 4 players are on a voice channel & not even using it 


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2021 3:49 AM

    How do you get an answer?

    Hello WGT ....

    WGT replies here are scarce, and close to nil regarding proposals concerning the game. Your best chance might be to pack some influence (WGT or Topgolf shares, or upper echelon position) and take your requests to San Francisco.

    Us humble users better stick to Dante:

    "Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate!" = “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.”

    Enjoy the game as it is, and if there's no joy, act responsible to yourself.

  • Slimjim001
    1,058 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2021 2:27 PM

    Why would WGT not want to respond to this problem? I'll bet the answer to that question might be interesting. 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Jul 10 2021 10:37 PM

    Why would WGT not want to respond to this problem?
    I see two principles:

    1) They don't answer personal/account-related requests here (privacy?), and, most of the time, you have to enquire directly, by some other form of contact to WGT.

    2) To 99.99 %, they don't talk about internas, be it plans for tournaments or upcoming developments or flaws/faults. They may see these as business secrets to be protected against competition, and plans are changing frequently.

    Long time ago, they invited the players to share their ideas and complaints, a long thread resulting in an extensive list compiled by one player, only to be cupped by WGT's admission that none of this would be considered...

    I also remember the embarassment when a mod promised a certain date for something and it was delayed...

  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2021 8:31 PM

    The problem, Paul, is they do not answer any more.  They used to respond real fast.  It does not matter whether one goes through member services or moderators.


  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2021 3:15 PM

    To 99.99 %, they don't talk about internas, be it plans for tournaments or upcoming developments or flaws/faults. They may see these as business secrets to be protected against competition, and plans are changing frequently.

    There are no business secrets involved in fixing any of the bugs or adding any of the features that kdownunder is asking for. 

    I agree with Tom.  A simple Forum post from WGT on some of the items we've asked about (especially the bug-fixes) like "we're working on it" or "it's not on our radar right now" would go a long way.  At least we would know.  But their non-responsiveness is extremely discouraging, to say the least.  It's very poor customer service.