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Question: how far did the ball travel?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 18 2013 10:56 PM (3 replies)
  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 6:31 PM                

    How far did the ball travel? This is my Brother's Tee shot, Hole #1. at St. Andrews.    

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 8:14 PM

    wow, that's unlucky!


  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2013 3:28 AM

    wasn't that shot just crazy, LOL  i reposted since, &  Titled it, Mixed' Emotions, with a side notation, of what a Player might of felt, through this thing, Or thought. LOL ill send ya another look, think you will enjoy it...Ok please bare with me here, lots of catching up to do, ....  

    OK, want to Talk with you about this Very replay, At that Time wgt had just started to push the replay/Save/Share event & it was new to me as , Well.  i just joined, ..Anyway, I saved his replay to my profile , I was curious on that balls actual travel, not using the rules of golf, Meaning, if ya hit a ball 600y it comes back rolling at your feet, its a 2yard drive. lmao,   It was it's actual travel i was trying to calculate, to get some knowledge on width fairway and so on.   silly i know now it was,, I had also saved another replay from, another player, and I cant get them off my profile! 

    , think i came up with a 480yards or so, MY question, Ever since i saved that replay, I cannot delete it? he tried I sent in numerous Case  request, and I had just sent in a recent one again, Two replays I cant get rid of Please help me with this lol