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Daily bonus

Thu, Sep 2 2021 12:49 AM (7 replies)
  • DonnyC550
    1 Posts
    Fri, Aug 27 2021 8:42 PM

    I play every day at 6pm mountain time because that’s when my “new day” begins and I get my daily bonus. Today I was busy and didn’t get on until 9pm and WGT set my daily bonus back to day 1!!! *** this game. These idiots don’t even know what a day is.

  • Foooze
    312 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 11:48 AM

    Well, you gave it a good month anyway.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 12:15 PM

    if it's a big deal to you. email membersupport.

    they will reset it for you. (usually)


  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 1:49 PM


    if it's a big deal to you. email membersupport.

    they will reset it for you. (usually)


    In addition to what Mythanatos posted, which is correct, are you sure you actually lost your daily streak?  Did you see how many bonus points you got on that first game of the day?

    The reason I ask is because I have received that notice a couple of times and my daily streak was actually not interrupted.  The first time it happened, I freaked.  But I realized I was OK after I played the game saw my bonus, and the daily number was correct the next day.  As I noted, this has happened more than once to me and it always self-corrected.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 11:13 PM

    I play every day at 6pm mountain time because that’s when my “new day” begins and I get my daily bonus. Today I was busy and didn’t get on until 9pm
    I know it's a tad difficult from the US but in general, it's bad advice to play right at the deadline.

    You may confuse playing right before the time with playing right after the change and easily miss the CDP. And then there is daylight saving on and off...

    You know that your first shot triggers the bonus? Be sure not to start a minute early - it will leave the CDP untouched!

    A better concept may be to start playing at least an hour off GMT midnight which gives a clear window and obligation.


  • jacktrade51
    11,198 Posts
    Wed, Sep 1 2021 7:23 PM

    It's not hard, Alosso, for the US players.

    What is important is that everyone has to understand that the first shot triggers the bonus.  That has not always been the case.  When we joined WGT, it was when the game was finished.  We always criticize WGT but they changed that due to player complaints.

    All I have to remember is the first shot taken in a new game after 8 PM US Eastern now/7 PM Eastern on standard time in Nov-Mar.  2 hours local time earlier for the player on Mountain time.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Sep 1 2021 9:24 PM

    It's not hard, Alosso, for the US players.
    "Hard" is your wording.

    It's certainly more difficult for you than for Europeans like me - whenever I wake up in the morning, it's a new CDP day, and usually still enough time to play a tournament on the old WGT day, in PT, PDT.

  • borntobesting
    9,739 Posts
    Thu, Sep 2 2021 12:49 AM


    It's not hard, Alosso, for the US players.
    "Hard" is your wording.

    It's certainly more difficult for you than for Europeans like me - whenever I wake up in the morning, it's a new CDP day, and usually still enough time to play a tournament on the old WGT day, in PT, PDT.

    The thing is too many players only play once a day to get the CDP bonus .If they make a mistake they lose their days. 

    I play every day not to get the bonus but because I love to play the game. The CDP bonus is just that, a bonus.

    During my work week which is Thursday- Monday I play a random 3 on my phone during my 3 Am - 4 AM lunch hour after eating my lunch. This is around 8 hours after my new day begins when I am still asleep. I play throughout all days including my weekend which is Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Now this will sound like I have no life but sometime in the middle of July my consecutive days played passed 9 years and is now at 3343. The last time I lost my days was in 2012 when I spent the night in the hospital for kidney stone surgery.