I presently am at Pro Level, and use to do a lot of mistake with my clubs.
Most people are complaining against a club or an other, but forget they are probably using slow meter irons and woods , and for one day will try a putter with a different meter swing.
Or the other way around, I used a the most slow meter putter with half meter irons and woods.
It did not work for me ether, because the time between your EBF 'eyes-brain-finger' is used to work with a different speed meter from one club characteristic to another club characteristic.
Instead of complaining on Pro Shop 'Submit a review' , I did my home work , cost me some real and virtual money, and discovered that all my clubs need to be almost the same meter swing.
From Driver to wedge I presently use Taylor half meter swing.
I put away the Taylor Spider 0 meter swing, and bought the Ping iwi Anser Putter with 1//4 swing.
Now my EBF get me closer to the 'ding' for putter irons and woods. No it does not ding every time, but it is much more closer every time.
And I can appreciate the higher precision of the 400 credit iwi Anser Putter, which the 400 credit Spider does not have.
The Taylor Burner clubs give me the minimum necessary 2 spin, eventualy I will upgrade the clubs to get 3 spin.
Now. About balls. I read a lot of comment and did my test with a musician metronome.
At a rate of 146 beat per minutes , with the not so expensive Taylor Burner which work at half meter swing. Note: the key words are : half meter swing.
From full swing to ding :
the free unlimited ball will need close to 5 count which is 2,05 secondes
the WGT GI 2-S ball will need close to 6 count which is 2,46 secondes
the WGT GI 3-S ball will need close to 6 count which is 2,46 secondes, yes I did my test 6 times between GI2S and GI3S
You get a difference of 20% in time between free ball and GI 2-S. I give the same good appreciation that a lot of player do about the GI 2-S.
To any one it can help.
Dan. A retired guy who took the necessary time...and money