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Quit free games

Fri, Nov 18 2011 7:37 PM (15 replies)
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  • TyWebb79
    52 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2011 1:33 PM

    I would like to see another feature when starting games that make it consequential for participants to quit. Game starters should be able to select a "no quit zone" or something similar so participants know there will be consequences if they do quit. Perhaps this could be enforced with hits to their stroke average or level. Like so many other players, I'm tired of wasting my time here.

  • AAA2528
    4 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2011 8:17 PM

    I tend to agree. I feel that if a player chooses to quit, he  should have to forfeit something, or something awarded to the remaining player or players. Or at the very least, if the remaining player waits out the time for the other player to rejoin, if he does not, and the remaining player finishes the game, he should be awarded the win against the quitting player.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2011 9:58 PM

    Joining a country club might help. I've never had someone quit on me in mine.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 3:19 PM

    Joining a country club might help. I've never had someone quit on me in mine.

    I agree.  Never had a CC member quit on me.  The good news, when you join random games, is you'll probably never play against that quitter again...if you do, simply decline.  If you like someone, you send them a friend request so you don't lose them. 


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2011 12:54 PM

    i agree,also, CC member never quit on me ,and friends for a long time; dont quit on me :)

  • stevetalisay
    1 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2011 8:45 PM

    Why do people get so mad when someone quits. it has no affect on them except if they freeze the game. Relax people its ok if people leave the game.


  • twichipper
    424 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 10:52 AM

    DUH!!!!!!  Many people have only so much time in a day.when you plan to sit and relax in this game, you are hoping for it to run smooth , including not having players to have enough ediquit to remain in a game they started. Also,  you say all it does is freeze up a game?... why should the faithful ones be punished for the dumb ones (or selfish). Granted, if you have to leave the game for an emergency or a solid reason, at least type it in and let others know out of decency. I too hate quitters. when we freeze up, it sometimes makes it difficult ot even get back into WGT.  So to all those who quit...keep warming the benches and stay out of the way ......pansies.

     In all the rounds I have played in three years, I have actually quit on someone maybe only 3-4 times.   Happy hitting :)


  • bruthastan
    2 Posts
    Fri, Nov 4 2011 2:47 AM

    It's their prerogative, their life, their time. Really that simple.

  • SaintsGuy
    12 Posts
    Tue, Nov 15 2011 1:00 AM

    i think there should be a re-connect screen in ranked stroke games, like there is in ALT shot. i lose connection sometimes and people think i have quit, when in all actuality, i couldn't join back into the game. and sux being in a 4some on the next to last hole and u lose all XP for playing a full round with 4 ppl.

  • bigred36
    47 Posts
    Wed, Nov 16 2011 7:00 AM

    If you provide consequences for anyone who "quits", how do you justify that when it's WGT who kicks you off?  I had 3 games the other day where I was "bluescreened" when changing holes.  My fault?  Don't think so.

    Yes, people quit, servers fail, power gets interupted, and WGT messes up.  Life's a ***, relax and enjoy it.

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