JDGHOST: Anyone notice any changes?
Putting still sucks.
Cameras still missing all over the place on Kiawah and anywhere else you play a Kiawah hole. Could have 5 cameras on the tee shot and none but the forward on the ensuing shots.
Random balls all over the place that don't belong to you or your mates playing with you. This one is trivial, I know, but another example of the sloppy we don't really care programming here.
For several weeks now it seems like one of them turned the VEM up as high as it goes and it's been stuck there, lol.
But on the bright side, we do have new masquerade clothing options again, because that's what golf is all about. Downtimes have been nothing but this crap now for a long time so expectations are quite low these days.
Game is just barely a shell of it's former self.