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Changes since yesterday - distance, meter speed

Tue, Oct 5 2021 2:02 PM (4 replies)
  • Taz7466
    146 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 1:26 PM

    I am fairly new to this game & since yesterday have noticed a couple of strange changes to my equipment.

    My driver had a distance of 273yds yesterday, but is now 269yds. I am pretty sure that the distances on my irons have also changed. Also the meter seems to be a touch faster than yesterday, but am using the same balls.

    Anyone else have similar things happen? Can anyone offer an explanation?


    EDIT : Seems a few minutes after posting all went back to normal LOL

  • bossbird
    2,242 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 11:25 PM

    Did you change any of your apparel ?

  • HamdenPro
    2,515 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2021 6:40 AM

    Oftentimes you will see, that the distance for the driver, or 3 wood, may be off from what it is supposed to be....where you may have a 282 driver but meter says it is 269 or 293, etc...This is a WGT glitch. Despite what the meter says, your distance has not really changed.

    I have noticed, if I am "surfing" the site for a bit, checking out club page, pro shop, etc...and then go to a game, my distances are off on the meter. I checked this out in a few rounds and the actual distance the club gets did not change, just what the meter says.  The easy fix is to close the game window and reload. You will come back to your saved game and the meter will be normal again....or....just ignore what meter says as you know what your clubs can do and play on.

    Similarly, I have noticed that if you check out the score card or other players stats, during a game, you sometimes lose the ability to chat. Again, closing the game window and reloading fixes it.

  • SamSpayed
    5,044 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2021 11:20 AM

    I have noticed that if you check out the score card or other players stats, during a game, you sometimes lose the ability to chat. Again, closing the game window and reloading fixes it.

    Ahhh... so THAT's what causes the chat to disappear!

    Sometimes doing a swing-thru on your meter (full swing, but do not click to hit) restores the chat.  That works about 1-in-3 times for me.  Another thing that works sometimes is to go into your Settings during the game, turn chat OFF, save, then go into Settings again, turn chat ON, save.  

  • HamdenPro
    2,515 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2021 2:02 PM

    The only problem with going into settings to turn chat off and on is that when you go into settings from "in game" it makes your chat disappear!!! CATCH 22.

    The first time my chat disappeared, I had it but it was evident that I could not receive any of the other players messaging. I could click chat and send but never could read any responses. I naturally assumed that they could not read mine so I just chatted along to myself on every shot...things like "Oh Ham, you are so wonderful" or "great shot and thank you" I did this the entire match.  At the end, I even messaged myself how enjoyable the game was playing with me and then I thanked myself. What I did not know was the other players were receiving my chats!!!! oops...