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doubt about how to calculate the shot

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 14 2021 1:10 PM (4 replies)
  • gabriele1980
    26 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2021 1:58 AM

    hi guys, searching on internet I found 2 similar but slightly different formulas for calculating the shot:

    a) (Distance plus half the elevation OR minus 1/4 the drop) - (elevation ratio from half the height)  + / -  (the average of the wind x the course and spin factors x the angle factor )

    b) (Distance plus half the elevation OR minus 1/3 the drop) - (elevation ratio) + (half the average of the wind x the angle factor) + 5% (roughly...SEE CLUB ANGLE ADDS) of that total for a FULL-SPIN SHOT.

    Kindly, who would have the patience to write me the correct one? Thank you

  • dunnocks
    18 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2021 10:04 AM

    hi man ,did you try a calculator?

    I use this one with full spin and it works well

  • gabriele1980
    26 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2021 5:18 AM

    yes dunnocks, i tryed it, but only sometimes works well, not often, not understand why sometimes yes and others time no ( and i get a shot more far from hole.... at least 10 yd!)

    anyway, thx for your reply

  • Cel7
    113 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2021 3:37 AM

    whatever happened to "Stop thinkin're hurtin the team".....Just hit the ball....:)

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2021 1:10 PM

    Try -

    distance +/- elevation = calculated yardage +/- wind

    calculated yardage/club’s FBS yardage = percent power to hit


    Elevation is calculated -

    greater than 100 yds: elevation shown on aiming placard/3

    less than 10- yds: elevation shown on aiming placard/4


    Wind is calculated many ways. A basic table is displayed wind speed x:

    Tailwind Headwind
    3 iron 85% 100%
    4 iron 80% 90%
    5 iron 75% 80%
    6 iron 70% 75%
    7 iron  60% 70%
    8 iron 55% 65%
    9 iron 50% 60%
    PW 45% 50%
    56° wedge 40% 45%
    60° wedge 30% 35%
    64° wedge 25% 25%

    Take the wind and multiply by the percentage then add or subtract from calculated yardage

    You will need to adjust the wind effect by the direction it is moving. Use the clock system:

    12:00 100%
    12:30 94%
    1:00 82%
    1:30 70%
    2:00 55%
    2:30 35%