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Mon, Dec 9 2024 12:30 AM (6 replies)
  • menshadow
    6 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2021 10:21 AM

    i was recently playing a game and the software had replaced my wedge with a hybrid!!!!


    Not a pleasant surprise.


    I checked the settings and the only thing I could imagine was setting "normal" or :"advanced" was set to normal and i changed it to advanced but i have no way of knowing if that is the fix.


    Wouldn't it be nice if there was an explanation for all these settings?


  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2021 3:13 PM

    Editing Equipment 101

    ⏩ Customize Equipment Option 

       The first step is to choose which style you want your bag setup to be. This is found in the Options Menu (small gear icon in the bottom RH corner of main game screen) under the Customize Equipment option setting.
       I will say this right off the bat CHOOSE the ADVANCED Option! You can look over the two options below, but there is no advantage to having the Normal option and your bag can be setup exactly the same with the Advanced option, you just have more control over it.

       Will automatically load your bag with a Driver, a 3Wood, a Hybrid, 2 Wedges, a set of Irons and a Putter. You cannot deviate from that club combo, (ie have 3 wedges)

    Advanced  (Always choose this one)
       The slots for a Ball, a Putter and a set of Irons are the bottom 3 spots and will say Required as you must have 1 of each of them in your bag.You cannot put any other type of club in those 3 slots and you cannot carry more than one of each of these.
       The first 5 slots will say Optional and you can put ANY combination of 5 clubs you wish choosing from your available Driver(s) / 3Wood(s) / Hybrid(s) / Wedge(s)


    ⏩ To Change Your Clubs

    It's as simple as 1, 2, 3 !

    1. Click on the slot you wish to change in Column 1
    2. Click on the picture of the club you want in that slot in Column 2. Note: If the club you want is not showing you will need to select a different type of club from where it has Drivers, Hybrid/Wood and Wedges at top of Column #2.
    3. Click on Equip in the column 3 under the picture of the club selected. Note: You DO NOT need to "Un-Equip" any clubs to load a new one into your bag. It is done automatically and should now show the new club in your bag in Column #1.


    🚨  WGT Club Rental Issues!!  🚨

       When rented clubs expire and they are auto removed by WGT a couple issues can occur with the clubs in your bag;
    • Your Customize Equipment option could be reverted back to Standard, in which case a Hybrid will be added back in your bag and you will have probably lost your 3rd wedge.
    • When you specifically rent a set of IRONS and lose your original irons after the rental period ends.
       For both these instances, first go to your options menu and under the Customize Equipment tab make sure it is set to Advanced.
       At that point you can replace the Hybrid and reset your bag as you wish as outlined above (1,2,3 Method)
       For the IRONS issue look at the 6th slot from the top in the first Column and WGT probably put a wedge where your Required Iron set should be. Just follow the 1,2,3 Method to change that 6th slot back to your regular Iron set and then adjust the rest of your bag accordingly.

  • Rushthrutime
    9 Posts
    Tue, Apr 12 2022 7:15 AM

    Thank you. Yes looking on the sixth slot for the irons is the solution.  It is really counter intuitive though.

    Best regards 


  • SkeggyBeach
    14 Posts
    Thu, Oct 20 2022 11:09 AM

    I have had the same thing. All part of WGTs incompetency drive I think. Anyone know of an alternative gold game?

  • Bubba1221
    1 Posts
    Sun, Dec 8 2024 6:52 PM

    Mine already say equipped but still gives me an top message and will not let me change them???

  • ScottHope
    10,667 Posts
    Mon, Dec 9 2024 12:30 AM

    Go into settings and set customize equipment to advanced.