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Coins games

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Mon, Oct 18 2021 10:29 AM (11 replies)
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  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 7:34 PM

    The last 3 or 4 weeks I've been playing lots of coins games.  Not a clue why really (as will become apparent) except that my competitive side for one-on-one has kicked in.

    I really can't understand the point of coins games - the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS, you can't do anything with them... except to upgrade apparel... to make the game even less realistic than it has already become!

    Golf is NOT an easy game, so why have the powers that be at WGT gone to such great lengths to make it nothing more than a circus act now?  When I started back in 2010 at least it had some sort of realism.  Players now seem obsessed with wearing a pair of orange underpants to dirve the ball 350 yards, or a ridiculous mask so that playing out of rough or bunkers is just the same as playing off a fairway.  Those items are hypothetical by the way, simply to make the point of the ridiculous lengths people will go to to make this game more stupid by the minute!

    Then you have people playing the most expensive balls to win those coins.  Did I mention the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS?!? (That is a rhetorical question).  I can understand using the best ball to win credits so that you can buy more balls, but to win coins???  I think I mentioned the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS.  Good business plan by WGT though, they have so many suckers playing with the most expensive balls!  Personally I play with the freebie starter ball in coins games, and currently have a purse of over 6 million WORTHLESS and USELESS coins.

    And what about the players?  I'm Tour Legend tier myself; never play ranked games off tees other than the ones I should be playing off, otherwise I probably could have been a Tour Champion long ago.  I beat many Champs and Tour Champs in coins games (who have obviously gone the red tees route to get there - yes I do look at their profiles from time to time), and yet I can't beat Tour Pros playing off the same tees as me.  Tour Pros, I might add, at level 85+, playing with equipment very similar to mine, and averages of 70+.  Years ago, before coins games, these players would be known as sandbaggers (a person who pads a handicap or acts as if he/she is at a lower skill level than he/she actually is so he/she can achieve better during competition), but why sandbag for WORTHLESS and USELESS coins???  Tiers and averages became next to useless when WGT allowed players to play off forward tees, but tiers and averages are now totally useless thanks to coins games as these players never get moved to the correct tier or have an average that reflects their ability.

    The timer - I can play a drive in around 7-10 seconds.  Even on holes like #8 at Pebble Beach it doesn't take any longer because you know it's either a 3W or an iron depending on the wind, and it takes no time to change the club.  So why, oh why, does it take players 40+ seconds to play a drive???  Do they think we like to sit here while they waste our day?  Agreed, par 3's may take 5-10 seconds longer as you need to be more exact with your yardage, but players seem to take 40+ seconds regardless of the shot.  And then if that wasn't bad enough, they have a 1ft tap-in putt, and yes you've guessed it, it takes them 40+ seconds!  I will play that putt in less than 3 seconds!  And it's only that slow because it takes the meter 1-2 seconds to come back to the ding - WGT's fault, not mine!  I could play 9 holes on my own in less time than it takes some of these players to play 3 holes!  WGT - how about some rooms with a 30-second timer... PLEASE!

    So, I have come to the conclusion that coins games - which, I may have already said, are WORTHLESS and USELESS - are here for nothing more than to boost someone's ego, by wearing ridiculous clothing to be able to drive 350yds onto a par 4 green, by wearing equally ridiculous clothing so that hazards have no effect, and to allow them to say that they as a Tour Pro beat a Tour Champion, but making no mention that their Level is near equal to the TC's.

    If anyone can come up with a good reason for coins games (over credits games) I'd love to know becasue I can't see any.

  • Trtr30
    32 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 7:50 PM

    Perhaps because on mobile it is one of the only ways to play with another player.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 8:11 PM



  • MalleeHacka
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 8:21 PM

    MioContic - well said! I couldn't agree more!


  • dhjam1
    591 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 8:45 PM

    Why does it matter what and how people choose to play. It's just a video game, it's not that deep. Here's a reason why people play coin rooms; because it's their choice to do so.

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 9:13 PM

    This is an arcade game and not a golf simulator. It designed to be fun and easy to keep it popular for those that enjoy playing a game of golf without spending years of practice. 

    After 11 years, it sounds like you're burnt out. Perhaps step away for a month or two and see if you get any enjoyment when you return. 

    I'm relatively new to WGT, but have video golfed many decades. When it stops being fun, then I will quit and find another game elsewhere.

    WGT is far from perfect, but the price is right and you get what you pay for.... 

    Good luck!  

  • 18randy18
    499 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 9:23 PM


    The last 3 or 4 weeks I've been playing lots of coins games.  Not a clue why really (as will become apparent) except that my competitive side for one-on-one has kicked in.

    I really can't understand the point of coins games - the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS, you can't do anything with them... except to upgrade apparel... to make the game even less realistic than it has already become!

    Golf is NOT an easy game, so why have the powers that be at WGT gone to such great lengths to make is nothing more than a circus act now?  When I started back in 2010 at least it had some sort of realism.  Players now seem obsessed with wearing a pair of orange underpants to dirve the ball 350 yards, or a ridiculous mask so that playing out of rough or bunkers is just the same as playing off a fairway.  Those items are hypothetical by the way, simply to make the point of the ridiculous lengths people will go to to make this game more stupid by the minute!

    Then you have people playing the most expensive balls to win those coins.  Did I mention the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS?!? (That is a rhetorical question).  I can understand using the best ball to win credits so that you can buy more balls, but to win coins???  I think I mentioned the coins are WORTHLESS and USELESS.  Good business plan by WGT though, they have so many suckers playing with the most expensive balls!  Personally I play with the freebie starter ball in coins games, and currently have a purse of over 6 million WORTHLESS and USELESS coins.

    And what about the players?  I'm Tour Legend tier myself; never play ranked games off tees other than the ones I should be playing off, otherwise I probably could have been a Tour Champion long ago.  I beat many Champs and Tour Champs in coins games (who have obviously gone the red tees route to get there - yes I do look at their profiles from time to time), and yet I can't beat Tour Pros playing off the same tees as me.  Tour Pros, I might add, at level 85+, playing with equipment very similar to mine, and averages of 70+.  Years ago, before coins games, these players would be known as sandbaggers (a person who pads a handicap or acts as if he/she is at a lower skill level than he/she actually is so he/she can achieve better during competition), but why sandbag for WORTHLESS and USELESS coins???  Tiers and averages became next to useless when WGT allowed players to play off forward tees, but tiers and averages are now totally useless thanks to coins games as these players never get moved to the correct tier or have an average that reflects their ability.

    The timer - I can play a drive in around 7-10 seconds.  Even on holes like #8 at Pebble Beach it doesn't take any longer because you know it's either a 3W or an iron depending on the wind, and it takes no time to change the club.  So why, oh why, does it take players 40+ seconds to play a drive???  Do they think we like to sit here while they waste our day?  Agreed, par 3's may take 5-10 seconds longer as you need to be more exact with your yardage, but players seem to take 40+ seconds regardless of the shot.  And then if that wasn't bad enough, they have a 1ft tap-in putt, and yes you've guessed it, it takes them 40+ seconds!  I will play that putt in less than 3 seconds!  And it's only that slow because it takes the meter 1-2 seconds to come back to the ding - WGT's fault, not mine!  I could play 9 holes on my own in less time than it takes some of these players to play 3 holes!  WGT - how about some rooms with a 30-second timer... PLEASE!

    So, I have come to the conclusion that coins games - which, I may have already said, are WORTHLESS and USELESS - are here for nothing more than to boost someone's ego, by wearing ridiculous clothing to be able to drive 350yds onto a par 4 green, by wearing equally ridiculous clothing so that hazards have no effect, and to allow them to say that they as a Tour Pro beat a Tour Champion, but making no mention that their Level is near equal to the TC's.

    If anyone can come up with a good reason for coins games (over credits games) I'd love to know becasue I can't see any.


  • bossbird
    2,260 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 11:43 PM

    Miokontic , I think you need to remember , us mobile players don’t have the range of options for play as you traditional PC players do . We cannot set alt shot games to play with others , the coin rooms are a way of playing against someone other than just with friends. 
    so perhaps rather than rant and rave about the uselessness of them , you just stop moaning and stick to what you enjoy.
    until such time as WGT give all players on mobile and PC the same options make your choices and get off your high horse.
    I am normally a reasonable person , and am getting fed up with the same condemnation from traditional PC players looking down their noses and forgetting there are two sides involved here . 
    btw , this isn’t golf , this is a game using a finger or hand , nothing like real golf , surely you realise that by now , just a game !! Not a sport , a game . Grow up. 
    and finally , coin rooms allow a club to earn extra super passes , that’s the only reason a lot play in them , I personally don’t much like turf wars , but I play them as I don’t have that many options !  

  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Mon, Oct 18 2021 6:36 AM

    You have a few friends and only one other person in your Country Club.

    I wonder why ? ? ?

    It's only a game mate - enjoy it for what it's worth.


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Oct 18 2021 7:07 AM


    really  it's what you said at the beginning.. it's about the constant competition. playing 18 holes is just boring to me.

    Plus i can do it while at a bar smoking a cigar and drinking  a glass of wine. the time in between games is nice whereas 9 or 18 holes of a foursome match requires more paying attention.

    timer wise... relax.. there is a timer in place that most PC original players think is too fast when they started on the mobile platform.

    maybe the wife was talking to them during that match. maybe the kids were. maybe the waitress came by to take a drink order. 

    Some people use apps to help them with the math on the shots. No i don't know the name of them. 

    Maybe some people are slower at the math in their heads. 

    Solution: there are many ways to play WGT if you don't like coin games play something else. 


    PS. coin games are going to be loaded with more BS the lower the coin rooms that you play in. Dip your toe into Tokyo for better players. Bellagio is really where it's at but it would be a bad idea to go there with only 6 million. 


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