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how doesnt this go

Mon, Oct 31 2011 9:36 AM (11 replies)
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    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 2:52 PM

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 4:06 PM

    Cause it just missed?  :)  Or as my dear old Dad would've said, "Close but no cigar".

  • ujjbnjk
    2,128 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 4:18 PM

    have seen closer shot then that! not even a lip:)

  • Donko58
    183 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 5:10 PM

    not even close.....hardly worth the post...

  • boozybob1
    89 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 5:18 PM

    if you spot this, I need help being taken off your friends list if I'm on it.  me game is having issues due to too many friends (3100) thank you

  • abell1459
    3 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 6:48 PM
  • xtabent
    2,281 Posts
    Sun, Oct 30 2011 8:06 PM

    hey Bob ..i can help you out there..only 3036 to goo..good luck mate

  • Nicholas99
    429 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2011 1:09 AM


    well it was a very nice shot but it clearly missed the hole.


  • HacMcDuffer
    1,094 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2011 5:47 AM

    Here is mine......Watch with Camera 2

    It hurt so much.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,586 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2011 8:50 AM

    I think that all of us as both virtual golfers and real golfers have had shots that we can't believe didn't fall in.  On WGT what I have most often seen is a putt that is going too hard that appears to go right over the hole and not drop, most of the time these balls go by the hole several feet and the player is in disbelief that their 'perfect' putt didn't fall.

    In real golf a ball that is hit too firmly and not dead center in the hole, will lip out of the hole especially if the cups are replaced that day.  The theory of gravity seems not to work sometimes when a 30 foot putt lips the hole and spins violently out to the left.  I read a forum post several months ago that detailed the math that WGT uses to allow a ball to fall in the hole, figuring in the speed.  I can't recall the numbers but I do remember that a ball that was hit hard enough to go 6 foot pass the hole had 0% chance of going in, and the number got more likely as it was closer in terms of speed.  I'm sure this is based upon a ball going over the center of the hole and balls hitting the edges would be less likly even as the speed declined.

    Those of us who have played real golf on very fast greens have watched as a 3 foot putt hits the edge of the hole and lips out so we know it happens in real golf.  My opinion is tat on WGT we are all better ball strikers and putters than in real golf so the likelyhood of a lip out or a perfect putt that doesn't go in becomes greater.  In real golf, I am trying to hit a 30 footer with 6 inches of break and 3 inches downhill within 2 feet of the pin, in WGT I am trying to make it.

    In WGT our expectations are way higher than in real golf and that is why we always think that something is 'fishy' when a putt that we think is perfect misses by an inch or lips out.  In real golf we would be happy to see it stop close to the hole.

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