tramilleo: really wgt using a best of par 5 for a clash
As some of you know, I have just started to post on a somewhat regular basis which means, I can't help but to particiapte.
So, for what it's worth, and without any anger or angst, I agree with Tamilleo, albeit, not for the same reasons. (To my WGT moderator and guardian, this is a good time to add, I love you guys/ are the best - so take me off moderation now).
I for one, do not like to play anything but regular ranked/stroked rounds, (and alt but, for whatever reason, I do not get a lot of alt invites and I rarely, if ever, initiate my own games of any kind unless, of course, I am playing solo which I do most).
I prefer scored rounds because they count and I do not want to waste balls, that I pay for, on games that do not count towards average or stats (unless of course, there are gift boxes involved). My understanding is that the "best of courses" do not count towards averages and thus are a waste of ball hits.
I also agree that catching a buzz prior to participating in the forums does not hurt and can lead to enhanced creativity, at least in the mind of the poster. I