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Degree's of wind

Wed, Jan 19 2022 10:48 AM (61 replies)
  • colzy66
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 12:51 AM


    I am looking to see if anyone has a picture of the degree angle of wind where 12 and 6 o'clock would be 100%, 9 and 3 would be 0%. The picture would give you the degree angle for the figures in-between. I have seen the picture but can't remember where.









  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 9:23 AM

    Suggestion You can easily make one yourself. Google “clock face clip art” and among the various image returns (usually will be one of the first ones) will be a white clock face with only the hour numbers showing. You can paste that into a text editor or drawing app, resize as desired, and put in the percentage numbers yourself.

    12:00 100%

    12:30   94%

    01:00   82%

    01:30   70% 

    02:00.  55%

    02:30    35% (or 38% I have seen both)

    03:00      0%

    Just continue around the clock face with the same percentages at the appropriate hour markings. It will look almost exactly like the one you remember (which you probably saw in a YouTube video about wind aiming). You’ll find though after using this for a period of time you will have memorized the percentages and their relative positions and will no longer need to rely on the image.

  • SamSpayed
    5,065 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 10:00 AM


    12:00 100%

    12:30   94%

    01:00   82%

    01:30   70% 

    02:00.  55%

    02:30    35% (or 38% I have seen both)

    03:00      0%

    Those percentages are incorrect.  Using the sin ϴ function from trigonometry:

    12:00 (90°) = 100%

    12:30 (75°) = 97%

    01:00 (60°) = 87% 

    01:30 (45°) = 71%

    02:00 (30°) = 50%

    02:30 (15°) = 26%

    03:00 (0°) = 0%

    All of the above rounded to the nearest %.

  • colzy66
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 10:10 AM


    Thanks for the help. Will try these and see how I go.


  • colzy66
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 10:12 AM

    Thanks SamSpayed will give it a go on my spreadsheet


  • DufferJohn7
    3,583 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 10:15 AM

    Both good responses, well done mates. As a retired research engineer it warmed my heart to see the mention of trig functions. Only thing missing is a brief review of vector analysis to show the side wind. LOL i.e. how a 10 mph wind can have a 7 mph vertical component AND a 7 mph horizontal component. And they said we would never use this stuff in the real world.

    Have fun and hit 'em straight.


  • SamSpayed
    5,065 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 10:51 AM

    Only thing missing is a brief review of vector analysis to show the side wind. LOL i.e. how a 10 mph wind can have a 7 mph vertical component AND a 7 mph horizontal component.

    That would be 10 mph @ 45°

    vertical:  10 mph x (sin 45°) = 7.07 mph

    horizontal:  10 mph x (cos 45°) = 7.07 mph

    Basic 10th grade trig.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 3:37 PM



    I am looking to see if anyone has a picture of the degree angle of wind where 12 and 6 o'clock would be 100%, 9 and 3 would be 0%. The picture would give you the degree angle for the figures in-between. I have seen the picture but can't remember where.


    looks like its solved- but was this the one you had seen?

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 8:07 PM



    Those percentages are incorrect. 


  • colzy66
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 2 2021 11:33 PM


    Sorry but it wasn't that one. This helps though as do the others. The picture I seen showed the angles of wind and what the degree was for that angle if that makes sense.

    It was if I mind right looked like a good ball with the angles/degrees for the wind. I just can't remember where I saw it, so that's why I'm looking for some advice from you guys.

