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Approach Program 1.2.2022.3 update

Wed, Mar 12 2025 3:50 AM (80 replies)
  • ScotsDon0
    4 Posts
    Fri, Dec 31 2021 11:52 AM

    Update.   Made mistake in my last post. (under moderation at the moment). I should have said Panda Dome may be blocking programme, but just tried it again and it seems to be working.

    Many thanks Jimmie for your work and for sharing. Much appreciated.


  • EarlyCuyler28
    61 Posts
    Fri, Dec 31 2021 2:53 PM

    Update looks nice and more concise.  Excellent work sir.

  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Fri, Dec 31 2021 9:03 PM

    There's another update coming soon. I find myself blindly taking the club recommendation when there's a better selection.  I will include another data grid on the main form then you can click on a club in the table which will set a filter to display only those clubs.

    Example flag 148 elevation 5 wind 9 at 37 minutes = distance of 155 yards. Click on your 7 iron which my caddy says 160 yards, then the table will show only mapped data for your 7 iron so you could better judge the back spin amount to use. A button to turn off the filter to show all club records again.

    Always a work in progress.


    Latest ver is 12.31.2021.2 but will update with the above changes soon.


  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Sat, Jan 1 2022 8:57 AM

    Thank You.

    Testing update 1.1.2022.0 now should upload it later today .


  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Sun, Jan 2 2022 2:09 PM

    Approach program update 2.2.2022.3



  • EarlyCuyler28
    61 Posts
    Sun, Jan 2 2022 9:56 PM

    What numbers are the caddy yards in the database?  The distance to the hole or the reading of your club?  I assume the latter but in the default database it shows the 64 wedge with a caddy value of 60 and mine is a 16.  That's a large gap, so I think I'm reading something wrong.

  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2022 11:20 AM

    The caddy yards is usually the WGT reading of your club. The program doesn't do anything with the caddy yards, it's there for you to see the difference on what your club is rating at against the real club yardage that you mapped.

    The  most important values are "Total Distance" how far the shot went , the "Power" how hard you hit it, and the amount of back spin put on the ball. The other fields are for information about your club and shot setup.

    I suggest you change the "total distance" field to match your club distance, using mine won't help a lot (unless you have the same clubs and ball that I shoot with).

    Good Luck!


  • EarlyCuyler28
    61 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2022 12:20 AM

    The two most important values are "Total Distance" how far the shot went and the "Power" how hard you it.  The other fields are for information about your club and shot setup.


    So apex doesn't matter for wind calculations or anything?  I have my clubs now for a while so it's time to actually map them.

  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2022 8:51 AM

    That's why you map and record the backspin amount. I tried the apex adjustment in an earlier program but went back to mapped club data. The program is really a club inventory program. It will give you the estimate distance to the flag based on wind , wind direction, flag, and elevation input. It's up to you to pick the right club and backspin out of your mapped clubs to get  the best results. The more records of different back spin logged for a club, the better you will be.

    Back spin ticks can be tricky because the longer you hold down on the mouse for clicks the downward dot movement will speed up. I'm working on an update that will display the green dot on the ball based on backspin % when you map the shot. Then later when using the program , the ball image will appear for that mapped backspin.

    I will have some predetermined back spin dot placements images to help you judge the amount.. 

    I will have this in another program called MAPPER which is only for logging in your mapped clubs. 

    You can use number of ticks (mouse clicks) for backspin instead of percentages. Either way will be up to you. 

    I will have a video on this shortly,



  • jimmiespencer
    255 Posts
    Sun, Jan 9 2022 11:04 PM

    New Program update. You can get the link from the you tube video.
