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Sun, Mar 23 2025 8:00 AM (1,209 replies)
  • SamSpayed
    5,075 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 12:57 PM


    Sometimes, people need reminded to just be Kind...

    Indeed. It would be nice to see more of that here in the Forums.

  • bigjohndough
    93 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 3:22 PM

    how can I stop getting emails on this thread, not even sure how I was subscribed? thanks bjd

  • TopShelf2010
    10,986 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 3:32 PM


    how can I stop getting emails on this thread, not even sure how I was subscribed? thanks bjd

    On Page 76, you posted...


    How do you get a snowman head   very nice  thx bjd

    If you would like to unsubscribe, make sure the box is NOT checked that says...
    Email me replies to this post
  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,937 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 4:53 PM


    how can I stop getting emails on this thread, not even sure how I was subscribed? thanks bjd

    I feel your pain! Too many posters have nothing to say, but post bs anyway. Some have 27,000 meaningless trivial posts.

    Let me know when you find out.


  • ScottHope
    10,704 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 1:08 AM

    If you would like to unsubscribe, make sure the box is NOT checked that says...Email me replies to this post

    Or if that box is unchecked, check it, post your message, go back to edit, uncheck it, then post it again. Sounds like madness I know, but if you have ten posts in a thread for example, it's no good looking at just one of them, seeing an unchecked box and thinking, ah okay, that's correct, but why am I getting emails. You have to trigger the flag that unsubscribes you by going through the action of unchecking a checked checkbox. You don't have to do that to every post in a thread, just one.

    Think of it like there being ten light switches in a long corridor to switch one light on and off. It doesn't matter what state any of the switches are in, you should only have to flip one switch to turn that light off (or on). Unchecking a checked checkbox is the switching off of that light.

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 1:56 AM

    Some have 27000 meaningless posts .

    Another one .

    If you read the last word now all good trivia in there .

    I have cleaned up my act and i am no longer one of the cesspit warriors .

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 3:07 AM


    Sometimes, people need reminded to just be Kind...

    Like 2 hours before?

    Craig, why don't you post all this stuff in "the last word"?  To post them here seems like deliberately upsetting people.

    ps 27,000 meaningless posts, if it was as it reads I hate to think where we'd be now ;-)  

  • craigswan
    32,431 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 3:30 AM

    LOL Dodgy .

    Ever the grammar police .

    It's my i-pad . All the sentences join together with no paragraphs .

    How can i fix that .

    Changed it just for you .

    Just on here doing a bit of advertising for the last word .

    With Hamdenpro's permission of course .

    She is allowing this thread to fade away so i will as well .


  • PureGro1
    1,657 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2023 6:35 AM


    Like 2 hours before?