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Fri, Nov 4 2011 3:01 AM (11 replies)
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  • PaulLowery
    34 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 3:24 AM

    I'm in a bit of a quandry,the country club I run is almost full but,ever since it's been set up les than half of the members only ever take part in the tournaments that are set up.

    I can't see the point in someone joining but not joining in.What then happens when there are no more places available and,others want to join but,are unable?

    Do you think I would be justified in removing the membership of non-participating members or,do you  think I'm being too harsh?

    Please don't think I suddenly got out of bed the wrong way this morning.I have given serious thought to this for quite a while.


  • Crankiedaisy
    169 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 3:30 AM

    Delete. you have the power, use it!

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 3:56 AM

    happens everywhere - our CC is just 50 members - and we get about an 80% participation rate (regular playing) - if a member does not take part in at least 2 Club Tournies - he gets booted.  Booting CC members is not harsh - it is required.

  • billcliff
    2,616 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 4:45 AM

    I have a rule that all members play a club comp at least every 2 weeks.No play i send message no response ejected after further 2 weeks.We have one of the more active clubs on site.


  • Lashe
    824 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 4:58 AM

    Not harsh at all Paul.  If a member isn't actively participating in the CC by playing in CC Tourneys or participating in the CC forum and hasn't communicated that they've got something going on in life that's preventing them from doing so then they are just filling a spot.  That place could be better served for someone who will be an active participant in your CC.

    I understand that RL takes precedent over a virtual golf game and support that fully.  And I'm not saying someone should play each and every CC Tourney going.  Enter and play in 1 or 2 a month to show an interest and communicate with your CC Owner/Members if there's something that's keeping you from being as active as you were/would like to be goes a long way in my opinion.  Conversely, as the CC Owner, send a message to the member(s)  you are considering removing, giving them a chance to plead their case should they wish to stay.

  • Pryke
    295 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 5:13 AM

    The CC I'm in has, imo, the same problem. We have, at least, 6 new CC tournaments every week and some tier specific to give everyone a chance to win but still people don't play. Last week we had 85 entries across 7 tournaments from 56 separate individuals...from a club with over 150 members!

    Also, another annoyance is people not reading the CC forum. I posted a topic for a replay competition among the lower tiers with the prize of a new driver and sleeve of balls. Not 1 person has posted. I did some checking and only 16 different players had posted in our forum in the last 3 months!!!!

    The CC owner does his best to raise interest and participation and is trying to run an easy-going CC so certainly no blame there. Just don't understand it.



  • PaulLowery
    34 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 12:01 PM

    Thanks guys me that was a definite "yes" for the boot. It's now time to take action. I've also decided that in future anyone wishing to join will have to pay in the form of 6 balls,the cheapest ones you buy at 10 credits for 3.I know it's only a total of 20 credits but,it will make most people think before asking for membership.

    So now I'm off boot quite a few of the 43 out.

    Once again thanks


    PS I'm already starting to feel like I'm Henry VIII.

  • TC9495
    1,219 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 5:29 PM


    PS I'm already starting to feel like I'm Henry VIII.


    Why, how many times have you been married?

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 6:44 PM

    I've also decided that in future anyone wishing to join will have to pay in the form of 6 balls,the cheapest ones you buy at 10 credits


    Well, just so happens to be the balls you use, so I think you will screw the pooch there.


    As a CC owner, you accept invites per your rules, kick the ones who do not play by your rules, but to say "buy me balls to join my CC" rubbish.


    1,011 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2011 10:57 PM


    As a CC owner, you accept invites per your rules, kick the ones who do not play by your rules, but to say "buy me balls to join my CC" rubbish.


    ^^^^ agreed Mbaggese  , Charging to join a country club seems like rubbish to me as well.

    While I understand running a country club can be a lot of work, it should be a labor of love and not for hire.


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