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Tournament Format

Fri, Jan 28 2022 10:06 AM (4 replies)
  • DCJA
    5 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2022 9:57 AM

    In the Bracket tournaments I often see a player scor, say a 59, in the first round, only to be eliminated eliminated by a player that shoots a 58. Everyone else in the bracket shoots in the upper 60's. So, just the luck of the draws eliminates that player.

    Are there any tournaments, set up similar to brackets, that allow the 16 entrants to play all four rounds, with the overall lowest scores taking first, second, third, and fourth places?

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2022 10:04 AM

    Are there any tournaments, set up similar to brackets, that allow the 16 entrants to play all four rounds, with the overall lowest scores taking first, second, third, and fourth places?

    Have a look at this one:  The WGT King's Cup

    It's not a bracket, but it's 4 rounds of single-play, with the overall lowest scores taking first, second, third, and fourth places.

    WGT publishes the weekly WGT King's Cup tournament each Thursday, so look for it then.  EDIT:  Here's a link to this week's tournament.

    All Bracket tournaments will be exactly as you describe, with luck-of-the-draw playing a part.  That's the definition of a Bracket tournament.

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2022 10:10 AM

    Please don't take this the wrong way as I'm not meaning to be a 🍆, but rather just using a bit of sarcasm to point out what you're asking.

    What you are basically asking is for a Bracket style tournament that plays like a regular scored tournament. The entire purpose of a Bracket tourney is to eliminate 1/2 the players in each round. The "luck of the draw" aspect is just part of what makes a bracket t a bracket t. Players playing all 4 rounds and then the best overall scores placing 1st through whatever is exactly what a regular tournament is. What would the bracket be used for in your proposed scenario if no one is being eliminated?

    The only other style tourney that might come close to what you want is an elimination style tourney. It is basically a regular tourney but where only a certain % of the players make it into the next round, such as the top 10 or top 70% ect. (similar to how the showdowns function if you've ever played in one of those)

  • DCJA
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2022 8:49 AM

    Thanks Sam Spayed. How do you find the link each Thursday?

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2022 10:06 AM


    Thanks Sam Spayed. How do you find the link each Thursday?

    In the left nav bar, click TOURNAMENTS then FEATURED.  You should see it there.