A Turf War is a club vs club event where two clubs match up and compete to earn the most coins in head-to-head games. A Turf War will run for 24 hours and the club that has earned the most coins at the finish will be declared the winner.
How do I start a Turf War?
To begin a Turf War, the club must use twice as many club passes as there are members. For example, if there are 50 members in a club, 100 passes must be used before the club can Activate a Turf War. This is called the Call-to-Arms phase.
Once the club has used the number of passes needed, it will be able to select ACTIVATE on the Turf War card on the Main Menu. If the Turf War card is not showing, it can also be activated in the Country Club Menu.
When a Turf War is available, it can be activated by any member of the club.
What are Trophies?
Trophies are a skill level used to best match your Country Club against another. When your club performs well in Turf Wars you may see an increase in trophies. If your team is performing poorly, your team may lose trophies.
How do I earn points in a Turf War?
When a Turf War is active, winning in any head-to-head coin room while using a club pass will add points for your club.
What can I win in a Turf War?
The winning club receives:
- One extra Superpass for the next Country Club event
- 15% bonus Club XP
- All participating members receive 2000 coins
- 15% bonus to the coins earned individually during the event
The losing club receives:
- 5% bonus to Club XP
- All participating members receive 200 coins
- 5% bonus to the coins earned individually during the event
What happens if a Club Event starts before my Turf War ends?
If you have an active Turf War when a Clash event starts, your Turf War will continue regularly, but your club will not be able to activate a new Turf War until the Clash event is over.
Any passes used while a Clash event is active will not count toward the Call-to-Arms phase.
If, and know, there will be questions please ask. In this way we can all learn which leads us all to a better and more usefull Turf War. Turf Wars help us and spurs us to better work together to improve ourselves and the entire Dog Pound Team.