.Whoever was playing through should have atleast yelled "four"
Ermm... although it sounds the same, the correct spelling, and shout, is FORE!
From wiki...
"A possible origin of the word is the term "fore-caddie", a caddie waiting down range from the golfer to find where the ball lands. These
caddies were often warned about oncoming golf balls by a shout of the
term "fore-caddie" which was eventually shortened to just "fore!"."
Often a golfer will shout "fore! left", or "fore! right" (I do), which may sound helpful, but most times you haven't a clue where the shout is coming from, so whether it's from left or right it matters not, you simply duck and protect yourself :)
By the way, I have actually been hit by a golf ball once (there was no shout of FORE!), and it damn well hurt, even though it was almost at the end of its flight! I've also seen someone hit by a ball, he went down like a ton of bricks! It's not nice!