Is anything happening to sort this, anyone know?
a) still have to click between my tournaments and then the relevant brackets, ready goes etc to see the info (scores, time left, who you’re playing etc) rather than seeing everything in one place. Then you have to remember the bracket number if you’ve got more than one on the go. Result is about a million clicks backwards and forwards
b) still can’t enter anything from the mobile app, have to log in online and enter everything there unless you wish to plus everything immediately
c) Colour scheme is still ridiculous
d) layout is still ridiculous, can’t see more than 4 events at a time
e) pressing the return key will automatically take you back to the start of the list unless you wish to advance through every game individually
f) order of the tournaments in ‘my tournaments’ is completely different to bracket order for example which leads to even more time hunting for the details.
it’s completely, utterly crap