Hello All....
I am enjoying the social aspects of this website as well as the game play (when it is working).
The Friends Updates are interesting because you can see what everyone else is up to...BUT...there is a case of information overload going on with that function, as far as I am concerned.
There is certain information I would like to see - and certain information I don't care to see.
For example: I want to know when a Friend shoots a Personal Best or Shoots a Top 10 Placement in a Current Tournament (which might inspire me to chase them, for example), those are things I would LIKE to know.
I do NOT need to know about every pack of Golf Balls they purchase or every new Friend every other Friend Makes; nor do I need to see every single score of every single round that every single friend plays.
I think this would be easily accomplished with a short Menu of checkboxes that opens in my profile and says something LIKE:
Send Me a Friend Alert When A Friend from my Friends List:
(and then there is a checkbox for each of these to click)
- Attains a New Tier Ranking
- Records a Personal Best in Any Ranked Stroke Play
- Wins a WGT Award
- Records a Top 10 (or 25) Score in a Current WGT Tournament
- Becomes a Friend with someone on my own Friends List
- Purchases New Clubs
- Enters A Challenge or Tournament
AND SO ON. This would let each of us decide how much or how little information we want to see. As the function stands right now it seems to overflow with alot of really minute detail and a certain amount of insignificant information that I would like to manage better.
NOTE: SWING METER AND LOADING ISSUE RESOLUTION (along with other Technology issues) are a HIGHER PRIORITY than this "Nice To Have/Cosmetic" Request.
Thanks, AtlantaCoaster