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Ban PCP use among WGT programmers

Sat, Jun 25 2022 4:20 PM (20 replies)
  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 8:34 AM

    I thought I'd seen most everything on this silly game but I've noticed a disturbing trend rearing its ugly head much more often of late..that being shots being significantly shortened by 20 mph or greater tailwinds.

    I've listened for years to lame excuses on why this happens on short punches because of arc flattening but now this trend has apparently been extended even to full shots with mid-irons.  Its as if the shots are being flattened without the obvious push on the ball that the tailwind should exert.  Whatever, there is NO GOOD REASON why a 150 yard full shot should come up 10-20 yards shorter with ANY tailwind, let alone one of 20 mph or greater, than the same shot taken with no wind EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!  Especially when lower-trajectory woods aren't similarly affected.

    As most programmers have had far more than a rudimentary level of instruction in physics, I can only assume that either hallucinogenic drug use must be running rampant among WGT programmers or management has decreed that basic physical properties be tossed out the window as far as gameplay is concerned. If it's the former, please WGT, remedy the situation.  If it's the latter, well BLEEP YOU TOO!!

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 8:54 AM

    "I can only assume that either hallucinogenic drug use must be running rampant among WGT programmers or management has decreed that basic physical properties be tossed out the window as far as gameplay is concerned. If it's the former, please WGT, remedy the situation.  If it's the latter, well BLEEP YOU TOO!!"

    LMAO ^^^

    Hey Robbo, nice to see you again, bro


  • callaghan159
    6,422 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 9:54 AM

    Personally I couldn't care less about all the glitches in this game. S h i t.... they brought in the clown clothing which makes a mockery of everything about golf. Play this silly game for what it is and have fun with it. I am not making money off of this game to pay my bills and I doubt you are either. Maybe try switching to de-cafe. Worked for me. Cheers.

  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 1:09 PM

    Play this silly game for what it is and have fun with it

    If this were a stroke game with friends I wouldn't have cared, but this was a tournament and, as such,its pure nonsense. Not once, but twice in 3 pins.  You set up the perfect shot and it comes up 40 yards short? Sorry, i'm not going to look at a pile of excrement & call it sweetener!  There are also legal issues.  Hard to call it a 'game of skill' when garbage like this is part of the equation.

    For what it's worth, I don't do coffee, de-caf or otherwise.  Take care & thanks.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 1:21 PM

    Not once, but twice in 3 pins.  You set up the perfect shot and it comes up 40 yards short? Sorry, i'm not going to look at a pile of excrement & call it sweetener! 

    Hey Robbo, I totally agree and it's been happening a lot lately, totally wtf shots out of nowhere.

    And for what it's worth I just did a 5 Hour Energy shot and chased it with a Red Bull.  :-)

  • rkearns469
    25 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 1:50 PM

    you need to get on a real course. A good tailwind absolutely will knock a ball down. yes the game isn't perfect, but if you can't break 90 in real life on the local munie, but do shoot a 70 on wgt, maybe you need to relax and remember this is a game, a simulation. the more i play, the more memories i have of my RL faux pas.

  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 2:36 PM

    Saw this yesterday playing H2H Rio CTTH playoff. Hole was ~195 with 20-22 mph almost direct tailwind. I was first and landed 15 yds short of the hole when I thought I over clubbed prior to hitting. I was thinking, okay, maybe I added instead of subtracted wind. Then Champ opponent almost put his ball almost on top of mine and it was obvious it was the game and not us.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 2:52 PM

    There are also legal issues.

    Lol, Now that is funny...


    Then Champ opponent almost put his ball almost on top of mine and it was obvious it was the game and not us.

    If you both missed the shot then obviously WGT was re-programming all the holes while you two played. Totally agree!

  • mnb1985
    198 Posts
    Mon, Feb 21 2022 4:30 PM

    It’s worth mapping your clubs in direct tail winds off the deck. At 20mph tail wind I loose 4 yards per 200 on my i3, 3 yards on my i4, 3 on i5, 2 on 6,7,8 and 4 yards on my i9.

    The ball will be knocked down by a 20mph+ tail wind and it’s apex will be reduced, which in turn reduced your carry distance. 

  • Cel7
    107 Posts
    Tue, Feb 22 2022 4:37 AM

    I have shots like that sometimes where i just go "wtf" but that also happens IRL.  When it happens here, my reaction is very similar to RL, I get pissed off, but within seconds my mind goes to " getting myself out of this mess", and even once in awhile the mess is so bad you get a "rage quit".  My point......"sh*t happens" both here and IRL.  And both here and IRL, this is a game we play to have fun....I choose to move on and forget about it.  Free enterprise dictates that if this game is so bad, then someone else will come up with a better one, or if not, enough people will quit playing that they will go out of biz.  In the meantime, while they are in biz and making money, there must be a reason for that......they are providing a decent amount of entertainment for the value. Not saying people shouldnt complain to try and make things all means if that is what people want to do, do that, but for me, its about keeping it in perspective.....maybe these shots falling short for no reason are the same things that happen IRL....because lets face it, that does happen IRL, so one could make an argument that random "sh*t" happening to a shot makes this a more realistic game than one where people can just auto-pilot their way to sub 60s scores time after time after 2 cents......:)  Not mean to criticize anyone, we are all free to react however we want....this is just how i react.  (Oh,,,,and i am not one of them that can autpilot to sub 60s........i might be able to autopilot to sub 70s though :) )