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Boxes stuck

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Wed, Mar 2 2022 7:50 PM (1 replies)
  • WolfApel
    3,204 Posts
    Wed, Mar 2 2022 7:01 PM

    The bonus boxes we get each week for winning 3, 6 and 9 coin games have been stuck on the same prizes for a couple of months, at least. 95+% of the time I get the swing edge shorts and the Fox glove, both of which were maxxed out long ago, with an occasional third item thrown in.

    Is this a programming glitch? I'm not exaggerating. All three boxes had them this week and that's been going on for weeks and weeks. With all the possible gear combinations, this is nowhere near standard deviation. What's going on? It makes me want to quit playing the coin games when the bonus boxes we earn are not giving us a decent selection of gear advances.

    Is there someone who can look into this and find out why this is happening?

    I understand that the chances of getting something you really need or want is very low, but the chances of repeatedly getting the same items should be very low too, and they're not.



  • Duphpherer
    475 Posts
    Wed, Mar 2 2022 7:50 PM

    Yes, if you search, this was talked about a lot lately. It was pointed out to me it's a very old problem and those in charge have more important bugs to fix. Can't argue with that.  

    It was also pointed out to me that when you max any apparel @10, you received coins instead of the "MAXED" message. So yes, I spent a couple hundred thousand coins, upgrading those shorts and glove (TopGolf), to receive rewards ranging from 200-2500 depending on the box class. 

    Expensive price to pay to avoid the frustration of getting nothing, but I can see coming out ahead eventually. The coins are won on any sponsored match when the shorts or glove is the prize and not just the 3-6-9. 

    I don't actually wear either piece and I suppose, theoretically, all boxes could be coins eventually?