Clash Question:
I thought this happened once last year, but figured it must be my imagination. We had 5 scores posted this morning with a Super Pass, but 10 Super Pass were used. In our 2nd Clash, 2 were used, but only 1 score posted so far. Is this a glitch? Does it sometimes take away two Super Pass when using only one?
I know this could be a player starting and quitting, and even thought that is what happened in the first Clash, but now that it is happening in the 2nd Clash as well, I have to wonder. And the fact that the same amount is being wasted as is being used is very suspicious to say the least.
This happened to us last year and it turned out that a new Tour Champion member was using the SPs but not finishing the Clash rounds if he/she was playing badly...!!!
Needless to say he/she is an ex-member now...