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Coin Games and equipment to use

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Fri, Mar 11 2022 1:58 PM (7 replies)
  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2022 10:44 AM

    If you have amassed millions of coins and win enough to be Positive equity, do yourself a favor and play with a starter ball. learn its flight and rollout.

    I'm sure you have noticed yourself getting regularly beat by lower classed players playing with garbage equipment, so why spend a dime in the coin contests?

    The coin games have become an arcade game that the RNG spits out hot and cold streaks and are really worthless. 

    Save your good stuff for challenge matches and CC tournaments, don't give a company your good money for a product that is lame

  • bossbird
    2,268 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2022 6:23 AM

    Hahah says he playing with titleist balls ! 

  • el3n1
    4,515 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2022 8:29 AM

    To be fair, he wrote save your good balls for other events like challenge matches, but use cheap or free balls with the maxed out sponsor apparel.

    He makes a valid point, i know i have saved thousands of credits by not playing the higher end balls all the time.  Does not mean i never play them.  But, I even use the cheap and promo balls in Bellagio, which is the most competitive coin room... the key is to just know how your ball plays with your apparel.

    They simply hope people will be too lazy to learn how to save the extra credits and keep playing balls that cost anywhere from 5x to 100x more in coins rooms.

    With video restrictions and ball cost always increasing, playing smarter is not a bad idea.

  • bossbird
    2,268 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2022 10:38 AM

    Yes I agree , I use the freebies that we get from showdowns and winners circle just to do apparel in Chelsea and more expensive for other things , it just seemed a strange comment when he has left titleists on all day. But never mind Each to their own.

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2022 11:09 AM


    Yes I agree , I use the freebies that we get from showdowns and winners circle just to do apparel in Chelsea and more expensive for other things , it just seemed a strange comment when he has left titleists on all day. But never mind Each to their own.

    TBH this is a new revelation to me. I don't like playing the rock, I'm sure no one does. I have a large bag full of very good balls attained from the free handouts from buying 2000 credits over the years.

    I recently started using some of them because the fact that I'm pretty much maxed out on all the new clubs I'll use, I don't see myself buying credits very often going forward. I've also noticed lately that when playing coin games that I can beat anyone, and anyone can beat me. No matter the equipment!

    This should not be the case should it? IMO I should next to never lose to a Master with starter clubs and the rock against my superior equipment, and experience.

    I don't even have to win at 50% to have a net positive on coins with my chosen apparel, yet I win very close to 60% of my matches over months of playing. This is a new thing to me going forward, and it means nothing as to what anyone sees in my bag.

    I guess my main point is a dig at WGT in the fact that people should save money, if they can given the quality of the product.


  • bossbird
    2,268 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2022 7:10 AM

    I think it’s a lot more difficult for newer players coming to WGT , who haven’t got good equipment yet , but are restricted to 150 free credits by watching videos per day. I consider myself very lucky because most of my equipment was purchased at a time when there were no restrictions on number of free credits. I was one of those who “watched “ videos a few hours at a time to build up credits , I was not BOT , and still don’t actually know what that is! But I was able to get my decent clubs , also with generosity of friends and people on here , had some bought for me. I have never payed any real money. I still watch the videos each day , and will continue to do so , but rarely play with top class balls . It can be done , but I have time a plenty . The surveys are very hit and miss but sometimes productive. I never bought balls until I had good clubs.

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2022 7:33 AM


    <snipped> I never bought balls until I had good clubs.

    Kind of amazes me seeing higher level tour pros thru tour masters using WGT clubs with balls costing well over 1000 credits. They'd be so much better off buying better clubs and using WGT balls.  


  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 1:58 PM



    <snipped> I never bought balls until I had good clubs.

    Kind of amazes me seeing higher level tour pros thru tour masters using WGT clubs with balls costing well over 1000 credits. They'd be so much better off buying better clubs and using WGT balls.  



    Ive been playing since 2012, and that is what I have always done. I look down the road..FAR down the road, to equipment that is my end game as far as Im thinking. Level 102 was it, replace my driver and thats pretty much it. Dont seee myself buying a putter because just like everyone else in the new game, 20 footers are gimee's