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Strong Cross Wind

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 22 2022 10:59 PM (1 replies)
  • GuDGeoNaToR
    63 Posts
    Sun, Mar 20 2022 6:13 PM

    Can somebody please explain to me how this could happen? Cross wind headed to the left of about 30mph & about 210 yards to flag. Because I use full backspin most of the time on my approach shots I usually double the wind mph in yards when it's over 200 yards & that usually works out fine. I don't have extreme backspin, irons are 3.0 spin & ball is 2.5 spin, so I aim about 60 yards to the right. Hit the ball & miss the ding just a little bit to the left. Immediately the ball goes flying off to the left & lands way left of the flag into a bunker. The wind didn't even have a chance to affect the ball direction before it took off left. Makes no sense. Any explanations would be appreciated.

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Tue, Mar 22 2022 10:59 PM

    I agree with your setup, aiming 60 right for 30 MPH @ 210 yards. But what happened missing the ding early (left) with the wind, you magnified the wind effect taking the ball way left of target. If you're going to miss the ding, miss into the wind. (He says but never does LOL)

    Have fun and hit 'em straight,
